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CA 주, 저소득, 칼후레쉬 신청, CalFresh apply online, T053

경제 Economy/=저소득 Low Income

by 진보남북통일 2022. 10. 3. 15:33


CA 주, 저소득, 칼후레쉬 신청, Apply for food stamps in 10 minutes.




Apply for California Food Stamps Online | GetCalFresh.org

GetCalFresh can help you apply for California Food Stamps, also known as CalFresh, SNAP, Food Assistance, or EBT, in as little as ten minutes. Apply for free



How Do I Apply for CalFresh?



CalFresh apply online,

Start => Continue;



Let's start with some basic information.

GetCalFresh.org is a service delivered by Code for America on behalf of the people of California.



Apply, online, call, office,



Home | CalFresh Food

Welcome to CalFresh The modern statewide food program that helps you buy groceries when you’re out of work or working less.



Start, https://www.getcalfresh.org/en/apply


Before you apply

We’ll let you know what to submit at the end of the application based on the answers you gave us. These documents are usually required to get CalFresh: A copy of your ID. Proof of any income. Proof of immigration status (for non-citizens). Proof of stude



What is CalSAWS and CalWIN?

California Statewide Automated Welfare System (CalSAWS) consortium[컨소디엄, (특정 사업 수행 목적의) 협력단] delivers benefits and services to California's most vulnerable population.

Consortium manages and oversees the operations for the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Information Network (CalWIN) project.

CalWin; 신청,



map, Calfresh offices locations,



Calfresh Maps

I understand I must apply in my county of residence



칼후레쉬 신청서 양식, 다운받기,

CalFresh application Forms at bottom, DNLD,


한국어 안내,


Eng, https://dpss.lacounty.gov/en/food/calfresh.html



Closed Captioning (subtitles) in multiple languages, can be enabled by using the CC icon. Select your preferred language using the GEAR icon. 



CF 285 - Application for CalFresh  Benefits,

한국어, 큰글자, pdf, 다운받기,



한국어, 글자크기 보통, pdf, 다운받기,



CF 285 - Application for CalFresh  Benefits,

Eng, Large Font, pdf,



CF 385, CalFresh Disaster application,

Emergency use only!!!

비상시에만, 재난 신청서, 한국어 2P pdf,



CF 385, CalFresh Disaster application,

Eng, Emergency use only!!! 2P, pdf,



Basic Eligibility;

Generally, you may be eligible for CalFresh benefits if you:

- Receive CalWORKS or General Relief,

- Have low-income or no income,

- Have limited property,

- Are U.S. Citizen or legal resident,

- Are an immigrant that meets certain criteria,

- Receive Supplemental Security Income,

State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP)


Minimum requirements to file CalFresh application:

1. Applicant’s full name,

2. Household’s address (unless homeless, district address is acceptable),

3. Signature of the Head of household, any adult household member, authorized representative, or a responsible household member.


CalFresh Benefit Allotment;

As of October 1, 2021, all CalFresh customers will see an INCREASE in their monthly benefit amount due to the Thrifty Food Plan, 2021!


CalFresh Program,



What proof to submit,

We’ll let you know what to submit at the end of the application based on the answers you gave us.

These documents are usually required to get CalFresh:

- copy of your ID.

- Proof of any income.

- Proof of immigration status (for non-citizens).

- Proof of student status (for college students).


These documents are optional but can increase your benefit amount:

- Proof of housing expenses.

- Proof of child support paid.

- Proof of child/dependent care paid.

- If you are 60+ or disabled, proof of medical expenses.


What if I can’t get the proof?

Tell your case worker during your interview. CalFresh will generally accept a sworn statement as a last resort if you cannot get the documents needed.


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