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전립선비대증 약 종류들, T1022

건강 health/=약 Drug medication

by 진보남북통일 2024. 12. 28. 14:20


전립선비대증 (benign) prostatic hyperplasia, prostate enlargement,


전립선비대증 약 종류들,

24 Medications for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia;

Most used,



List of 24 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Medications Compared

Compare risks and benefits of common medications used for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Find the most popular drugs, view ratings and user reviews.







List of 24 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Medications Compared

Compare risks and benefits of common medications used for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Find the most popular drugs, view ratings and user reviews.




Benign, US,GB [ bɪˈnaɪn ]; 1.formal, 상냥한, 유순한/ 2.양성의 (↔malignant)

양성 종양. 비교적 서서히 성장하고 전이하지 않으며 시술 및 수술로 제거하여 완치할 수 있다.

특이한 경우를 제외하고 대개 양성 종양은 생명에 위협을 초래하지 않는다.


Hyperplasia, US,GB [ hàipərpléiƷə,-Ʒiə,-ziə ]; (세포수의) 과(過)형성, 증생(增生); 비후(肥厚)


부작용이 가장 적은 전립선비대증 약들,

The best drugs, least side effects for benign prostatic hyperplasia,


Which alpha blocker has the least side effects?

Most α1-adrenoceptor antagonists(α1-아드레날린 수용체 길항제-대항제) affect blood pressure by design; sustained release alfuzosin and tamsulosin have the lowest propensity(경향,성향) to cause side effects.

Tamsulosin is easy to use as it does not require dose titration(적정 滴定) and can be taken once a day.


What is better tamsulosin or alfuzosin?

In patients with lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostate hyperplasia,

both alfuzosin and tamsulosin were well tolerated and showed similar efficacy.

Alfuzosin may be preferred for sexually active patients, due to fewer reported ejaculatory abnormalities.


What is the safest treatment for enlarged prostate?

high-energy laser destroys or removes overgrown prostate tissue. Laser therapy has a lower risk of side effects than does nonlaser surgery. It might be used in people who shouldn't have other prostate procedures because they take blood-thinning medicines. Feb 21, 2023


전립선 비대 수술, 성기를 통해 전립선에 넣어서 뜨겁게 지져서 넓히는 수술인데

도움 안된다는 부정적 댓글들이 많아요.

UroLift System Procedure Animation




Which BPH treatment has the least side effects?

UroLift ; 수술 하지 말것.

UroLift® is minimally-invasive(침습성의, 몸에 칼을대는), achieves quick BPH symptom relief, and will have you enjoying life right away.  Additionally, research studies show that this procedure does not impact sexual function. All of these benefits can be achieved without the risk of side effects of BPH medications.


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