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GMO 는 용도에 따라서 재배 방법이 다르다. T103

생물 Biology/=식물 plant

by 진보남북통일 2022. 10. 29. 12:46


GMO 는 용도에 따라서 재배 방법이 다르다.


GMO ; 유전자 변형 농산물 (Genetically Modified Organism)


Different types of GMOs;;


사람들은 GMO 농산물이면 모두 같은 걸로 알지만,, 아니다.

용도에 따라서 GMO 재배방법이 다르다.


가장 많이 쓰이는 옥수수의 경우,

사람이 먹는 GMO 와 연료로 사용되는 GMO 는 재배방법이 다르다.

같은 옥수수라도 생물 연료용 biofuel GMO 는 먹을수가 없다.

먹어서도 안된다.


세제용 GMO, 종이 프라스틱용 GMO, 연료용 GMO,

의학용 GMO, 동물 사료용 GMO, 용도가 다양하고

따라서 재배 방법도 다르다.


GMOs and Consumer Products;;


Biotechnology is used in so many areas of our daily lives – not just in the food we eat.

GMOs provide many benefits for humans and the environment, including:


- 세제(洗劑)용에 사용되는 GMO,

In the laundry room, genetic engineering boosts our detergent. Enzymes enhanced through genetic engineering help remove protein stains, grease, and starches.


Biodegradable; 생분해[자연분해]성의(박테리아에 의해 무해 물질로 분해되어 환경에 해가 되지 않는),

- 자연 분해되는 기저귀에 사용되는 GMO,

If you’re a parent, you might use biodegradable diapers[자연분해되는 기저귀. Scientists created this innovation with genetic engineering. A genetically engineered microbe breaks down the materials in the diaper after use, making it biodegradable.


- 종이 옷 플라스틱 제품용 GMO,

GMO Cotton for clothing, plastics, and more,

Genetically modified soy-based materials are a popular alternative to paper and plastic products. For example, soy-based straws are biodegradable. Genetically modified soybeans also conserve water and use fewer insecticides.


- 생물 연료용 GMO,

Corn and soybeans are used to make biofuels. Biofuels are less expensive fuels for cars and machinery that are better for the environment. They burn cleaner and use fewer resources. Learn more about this below. 


- 옥수수의 89% 가 GMO,

The many uses of GMO corn;

Corn is planted on about 80 million acres in the US and, according to the USDA,

89% of those acres are GM corn. Approximately 99% of the corn grown in the US is field corn, with the remaining 1% being sweet corn.

What’s the difference between field and sweet corn? Whereas you’ll find sweet corn in your produce aisles and farmers markets, field corn is typically used for livestock feed, food ingredients, and to make a wide range of consumer products.


In fact, there are over 4,200 uses of GMO field corn, including fuel for our cars, oil for sunscreen and water bottles, starch for magazine printing and sidewalk chalk.

"Here’s this one rather simple crop from which we humans have learned to make so many different things,” said Katie Pratt, corn and soy farmer, and author of the blog Rural Route 2. CommodityHQ explains that corn is “often used widely in a number of other applications as well. Corn, for example, is used in everything from artificial sweeteners[인공 감미료] to fuel sources to papers and containers.” Corn is also used to make matchsticks, crayon, carpet and much more.


- 인슐린 등 약용 GMO,

GMOs are also common in medicine. Scientists used genetic modification to improve insulin, saving lives. In the past, scientists used pancreas glands from more than 23,000 pigs to make one pound of insulin. Today, genetic engineering has improved animal welfare, making insulin in a lab without pigs. Being GMO-free means avoiding many of the modern treatments that benefit humans, animals, and the world.

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