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알려지지 않은 섬, 트리스탄 다 쿠나, 트리스탄 다 쿠냐 섬, T1048

나라정보 country info

by 진보남북통일 2025. 1. 24. 13:32


알려지지 않은 섬, 트리스탄 다 쿠나, 트리스탄 다 쿠냐 섬,

Tristan da Cunha,


남대서양 트리스탄다쿠냐제도에 있는 영국령 섬,


면적 ; 약 201㎢ / 서울면적 ; 605.25 km2


영국령인 세인트헬레나의 속령이다.

1502년 포르투갈인이 발견했을 때는 무인도였으며,

1815년 영국군이 세인트헬레나섬에 유배중인 나폴레옹 1세를 감시하기 위해 점령하였다.

높이 2,315m의 화산이 있는데,

1961년 분화 때 전도민이 섬을 떠나 영국으로 피난하였다가 63년 귀환하기도 했다.

제2차 세계대전 중 기상관측소 , 무전기지가 설치되었다.

주민의 주생업은 농림업과 수산업이다.


남대서양 Cape of Good Hope와 남미 사이의 영령(英領) 화산도군(群)으로서, 동명의 섬과 4개의 섬으로 되어 있다; 1961년 분화(噴火); 면적 135㎢.


This isolated island is home to only 264 people.

섬이름 Tristan da Cunha is part of an archipelago located in the South Atlantic Ocean.

The island is about 2,400 kilometers (1,500 miles) from the nearest human settlement, which is the island of Saint Helena.









Tristan da Cunha is a remote island in the Atlantic Ocean that has been inhabited since the early 1800s. The island's history includes discovery, colonization, and volcanic eruptions.



In 1506, Portuguese explorer Tristão da Cunha discovered the island while traveling to the Cape of Good Hope.

The island was named after him, but he was unable to land due to rough seas.

The first recorded landing was in 1643 by the crew of the Dutch ship Heemstede.



The first permanent settlers arrived in the early 1800s.

The British navy stationed a garrison on the island in 1816 during Napoleon's exile.

Three settlers remained on the island after the garrison was withdrawn and became the founders of the permanent settlement.


*Volcanic eruptions

The island is a stratovolcano that has erupted multiple times.


The most recent eruption was in 1961–62, forcing the evacuation of all inhabitants to the UK.

Most of the inhabitants returned to the island in 1963.



Tristan da Cunha is part of the British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha.


It is home to a thriving modern community.

The island is a hotspot of endemic biodiversity.


It is also roughly 2,800 kilometers (1,750 miles) from South Africa and over 3,200 kilometers (2,000 miles) from South America.

Despite this extreme isolation, it is home to around 260-270 people, who mostly live in a small settlement called "Edinburgh of the Seven Seas."

The island is a British overseas territory, and its population descends from a few families that settled there in the 19th century.

Life on Tristan da Cunha is centered around subsistence farming and fishing, with some limited trade and tourism. The islanders are known for their self-sufficiency, although they do rely on occasional supply ships and communication links with the outside world.

Tristan da Cunha is famous for its volcanic origin, with a large, central peak rising over 2,000 meters (6,700 feet) above sea level. Despite the beauty of the island, life there is challenging due to the remoteness, harsh weather, and limited infrastructure. The island has no airport, so the only way to reach it is by sea, which can take several days from the nearest port.


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