새로 짓는 건물에 천연개스 natural gas 를 사용 할수 없게 banned 법이 정해졌다.
Natural gas 대신 전기를 사용해야한다.
According to the city's Natural Gas Prohibition ordinance, any “new buildings that apply for land use permits or zoning certificates after January 1, 2020” cannot install natural gas hookups.
그런데 전체 사용 에너지 100% 중에
약 40% 정도가 천연개스로 전기를 만드는데 문제가 있다.
천연개스가 집으로 또는 상업건물로 공급이되면,, 오는 도중에 손실이 없으나
천연개스로 전기를 생산하면 손실이 생기고
다시 송전하는데 손실이 생겨서 결국에는 효율성이 적어진다.
손해가 많다는거다.
아래 정보에는 60% 손실이고, 실제 사용은 40% 라고한다.
How many % of efficiency is lost to convert natural gas to electricity?
What is the efficiency of converting natural gas to electricity?
A gas-fired plant was about 42% efficient. And in natural gas combined-cycle power plants-in which waste heat from a natural gas turbine is used to power a steam turbine-generation may be as much as 60% efficient,
그러면 왜 엄청난 큰 손실을 보면서 이렇게 바보짓을 하는것인가?
비싸지는 electricity bill 청구서는 국민들이 지불해한다.
California (natural) gas company 에서는 입을 다무는 이유가
전기회사로부터 엄청난 양을 팔수 있기 때문이다.
만일 전기회사가 천연 개스를 직접 수입을 한다면
California (natural) gas company 결사 반대를 하겠지만 ,,,
미국 정치인들은 미 ㅊㅣㄴ넘들이다.
그럼 유롭에서 새로 짓는 건물에 천연개스 공급을 금지 하는가?
Fossil fuels 화슬 휴얼 ;;
석탄, 석유, 천연가스와 같이 고생물의 유해가 지하에 매장되어 생성된 자원들의 통칭을 화석에너지 라고도 한다.
아래보면 에너지 전체 사용 100% 중에
60.8% 는 Natural gas, Coal, Petroleum-석유 에서 얻고, 나머지
40% 정도는 Nuclear 핵발전 과 다시 사용 가능한 Renewables[바람, 태양-solar,,] 에서 얻는다.
* Arizona;; In early 2020, Arizona became the first state to enact a law that would prevent municipalities in the state from enacting natural gas bans.
* Indiana;; House Bill 1191, which goes into effect July 1, 2021, prevents local governments from passing ordinances that would result in a de jure or de facto ban of natural gas or other energy sources in buildings.
* Iowa;; In April 2021, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a bill that prevents local governments from prohibiting the sale of natural gas or new natural gas hook-ups.
* Kansas;; In April 2021, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly chose to neither sign nor veto the Energy Choice Act,
* Kentucky;; In March 2021, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear signed House Bill 207 into law.
* Louisiana;; In June 2020, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards signed Senate Bill 492 into effect, preventing local governments from banning natural gas.
* Mississippi;; In March 2021, Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves signed the All Fuels Act of 2021, preemptively prohibiting localities from banning the connection of certain utilities based on the energy source.
* Oklahoma;; In May 2020, Oklahoma implemented HB 3619, which prevents cities, towns, and counties from discriminating against utility providers based on the energy source of the utility.
* Texas;; In May 2021, Governor Greg Abbot signed House Bill 17 into law, barring city governments from discriminating against or favoring one energy source over another in their regulation of utility services.
Meanwhile, four states where policymakers have passed measures that restrict building gas use -- California, Colorado, New York, Washington -- accounted for 24% of the nation's residential gas use and 20% of its commercial gas demand in 2020.
Cities tried to cut natural gas from new homes. The GOP and gas lobby preemptively quashed their effort,
Why are cities banning natural gas in new construction?
Some cities in the US want to ban natural gas hookups in new homes and buildings, to reduce their fossil fuel emissions and meet their climate targets. Natural gas is primarly made of methane, an extremely potent planet-warming gas
What is source to generate electricity?
What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source?