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세입자 주인 분쟁 보증금 Tenant landlord Security Deposits, T480

부동산 Real Estate

by 진보남북통일 2023. 10. 3. 16:32


세입자 주인 분쟁 보증금 Tenant landlord Security Deposits,



Tenan Deposits 보증금 4P.docx


If landlord did not return deposit within 21 days,


Bad faith retention of security deposit California,


Guide to security deposits in California



Guide to security deposits in California | California Courts | Self Help Guide

COVID-19 rental debt A landlord can't use a security deposit to cover unpaid COVID-19 rental debt (rent or other money owed under a rental agreement, like parking fees, due from March 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021). If rent is due from another time, the la



Write a demand letter asking your landlord to return a security deposit,



Demand letter for security deposit | California Courts | Self Help Guide

Welcome! This program will help you write a demand letter asking your landlord to return a security deposit. This program asks questions and then prepares a letter for you to send to your landlord.  If you don't know the answer to a question, you can stop



California Security Deposit Demand Letter (Free Template)



California Security Deposit Demand Letter (Free Template)

Learn how to write a California Security Deposit Demand Letter.



주인이 수리를 안해주면 렌트비는 안내고 있으면 불법이고 [내야하고]

Can a tenant refuse to pay rent if repairs are needed California?

To lawfully withhold rent in California, the property condition must violate the general warranty of habitability, and the landlord must be beyond the reasonable repair time.

Although tenants cannot withhold rent for the landlord's failure to make minor repairs, they may still have options to seek relief. Nov 29, 2021


How long can a landlord leave you without air conditioning in California?

Landlords in California are not required to provide air conditioning to their tenants. However, if your landlord does include air conditioning when you sign the lease, they're responsible for fixing the unit. Your landlord has 30 days from when you notify them of the issue to fix the air conditioning. Jun 15, 2022


주인이 수리를 안해주면 정부에 고발 ,,,

하지만 주인에게 미움 받아서 이건 좀 어렵다.

what happens if landlord does not make repairs,

If a landlord refuses to make repairs, tenants should contact their local code enforcement office or local health department. Cities or counties may also have their own rent board or rent control program that deals with building health and safety.


- "유효 수명” 법칙, “useful life" rule - 에 의해

카펱 커튼 및 기타 가구의 정상적인 마모는 세입자 보증금에서 공제하지 못한다.

What is the useful life rule in California?

Carpets and drapes – "유효 수명” 법칙, “useful life" rule - Normal wear and tear to carpets, drapes and other furnishings cannot be charged against a tenant's security deposit.

Normal wear and tear includes simple wearing down of carpet and drapes because of normal use or aging, and includes moderate dirt or spotting.


삶으로 생활하므로 마모되는것 찢어지는것은 정상으로 간주되어

주인은 세입자 보증금에서 공제하지 못한다.

What is considered normal wear and tear in California?

What is normal wear and tear?

Landlords are often not sure where to draw the line when it comes to this.

There is expected damage that comes with living in a property, i.e. light wall scuffing from furniture, small nail holes, worn carpet, etc.

These things are considered normal wear and tear.


세입자가 2년 이상 살았으면 페인트가 정상으로 더러워진것이므로

주인은 세입자에게 부담하지 못한다.

Can a landlord charge tenant to pay for repaint in California?

In California, if you have lived in the place for 2 or more years,

the landlord is not allowed to charge to repaint, if it is normal wear and tear.


주인은 3년마다 페인트를 해야된다.

How often do landlords have to repaint in California?

every three to five years,

Although California landlords are required to make their rental properties habitable, this does not include painting. (Of course, there are a few exceptions such as lead paint removal).

Most landlords repaint every three to five years to keep their properties looking fresh and well-kept. Jan 26, 2022.


세입자가 페인트를 하려면 주인 허가를 받는게 유리하다.

Can tenant paint without permission in California?

If you are a tenant, you should check your lease agreement to see if there are any restrictions related to painting. Some landlords may have specific rules about painting colors or may require you to obtain their permission before making any changes to the apartment's appearance.

Aug 25, 2023


건물 주인은 8-10 년마다 카펱을 바꾸어야 한다.

정상적인 마모는 세입자 보증금에서 공제하지 못한다.

How often do landlords have to replace carpet in California?

Under California landlord-tenant guidelines, a carpet's useful life is eight to 10 years.

Then the cost of replacing the carpeting would have to be prorated over a 10-year period. The cost of replacing the carpet after 10 years is the responsibility of the landlord. Dec 28, 2017


주기적 카펱 청소는 세입자에게 부담시키지 못하고, 보증금에서 공제하지 못한다.

Can landlord charge for carpet cleaning California?

According to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, landlords CANNOT charge for routine carpet cleaning - either during the rental term or from a security deposit - no matter what the lease says.


무엇이 가주에서 사람이 살수 없는 (uninhabitable) 임대부동산을 만드는가?

즉 사람이 살수 없는 임대 부동산 조건들,

What makes a rental property uninhabitable (사람이 살수 없는) in California?

It doesn't have to make the place unlivable and can be as simple as a missing window screen, torn carpet, defective electrical outlets or peeling paint.

It can also be something unhealthy, like cockroaches, bedbugs, rats or mold, or dangerous like missing locks or criminal activity.


Can landlord take photos of my stuff California?

Yes, they can. Landlords and property managers have a lawful purpose to collect information about a rental property when they carry out a property inspection.


If it weren’t landlords doing it,

the culprits would be spending years in prison

for felony grand theft embezzlement.



Security Deposits | California Tenant Law

Security Desposits - Rights: pages of free legal advice for California tenants on evictions, security deposits, tenant lawyer directory, and more.



pdf, 33P, Guide for Return of Security Deposit in Small Claims Court,



CA legislature, 입법부,



Law section




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