battery cage ; [신조어] 대형 농장에서 도살하기 전에 암탉을 잠시 가두는 우리,
poultry; 가금(家禽: 닭, 오리, 거위 따위)
[[ 의견 ;;
결론은 건강에 가장 좋은 닭 달걀은 유기농이다.
유기농의 양계 조건이 있다.
Organic poultry farming conditions.
The birds must be raised organically no later than two days after they hatch;
They must be fed certified organic feed for their entire lives.
Organic feed cannot contain animal by-products, antibiotics or genetically engineered grains and cannot be grown using persistent pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
양계장에서 닭을 기르는 방법을 제데로 아는 사람이 없다.
마켙에 가면 달걀통에 cage-free 라고 적혀있다.
하지만 가두어서 기르는건 caged chicken 이나 cage free 이나 거의 마찬가지이다.
법적으로 cage free 면적은 한 마리당 30cm x 30cm 이하이면 된다.
노인 아파트에가면 1 bed room 아파트 면적이 약 400-500 square feet 이다.
Zumba dance 하는 면적이 1인당 (minimum of 40 to 50 square feet per participant.) 이다.
The birds must be raised organically no later than two days after they hatch;
They must be fed certified organic feed for their entire lives.
Organic feed cannot contain animal by-products, antibiotics or genetically engineered grains and cannot be grown using persistent pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
닭을 기르는 면적 조건.
1. Conventional / caged / battery cage;; Space per chicken : 67 square inches,
2. Cage-free ;; Space per chicken: less than 1 square foot,
Cage 라는게 아마 닭 한마리가 들어가는 공간을 말하는것 같다.
사람들은 Cage free 는 마당이나 들에 놓아서 기르는걸로 잘못 알고 있다.
닭이 걸을수있고 날개 펼수 있는 면적이 아니고
가두어 놓아도 겨우 활동을 할수 있으면 Cage free 이것같다.
1 foot x 1 foot 도 안되는데 무슨 날개를 펼수 있나??
What does cage free mean with chickens?
Unlike battery hens(도살 암닭들과는 다르게), cage-free hens are able to walk, spread their wings and lay their eggs in nests, vital natural behaviors denied to hens confined in cages.
Most cage-free hens live in very large flocks that can consist of many thousands of hens who never go outside.
HFAC's Certified Humane® “Free Range” requirement is 2 sq. ft. per bird.
The hens must be outdoors, weather permitting (in some areas of the country, seasonal), and when they are outdoors they must be outdoors for at least 6 hours per day. Jan 16, 2014
Is cage free better than pasture-raised chicken?
Pasture-raised chickens experience a significantly better quality of life than battery-caged, cage-free and free-range chickens. To qualify as a pasture-raised chicken farm, each hen must be allowed 108 square feet of outdoor space, plus an indoor barn for cover
3. Free-range chicken ;; Space per chicken: 2 square feet,
Space per chicken: 108 square feet of outdoor space,
How many hours outside a day for Pasture-raised chicken
6 시간 이상 밖에 내놓으면 목초지 사육,
The hens must be outdoors, weather permitting (in some areas of the country, seasonal), and when they are outdoors they must be outdoors for at least 6 hours per day. All other standards must be met. HFAC's Certified Humane® “Pasture Raised” requirement is 1000 birds per 2.5 acres (108 sq.)
Typically these housing systems have several tiers with a belt between each level to remove manure and prevent it from falling on the birds below. Hens are kept in groups of four to twenty, with each bird having a minimum space allowance that is prescribed in animal welfare codes
밖에 내놓고 기른 닭은 맛이 다르다는데,,,
일반 사람들이 느낄수 있을런지 의문 ? ㅎ ㅎ ㅎ
Does cage free chicken taste different?
Though panelists ranked all three groups about the same on the general measure of “taste,” birds with tree shelter were consistently found to be “juicier,” “more tender,” and “less fibrous.”