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Black Box Warning medications list, Boxed Warning drugs, T607

건강 health/=약 Drug medication

by 진보남북통일 2023. 12. 21. 13:36


Black Box Warning medications list, Boxed Warning drugs,

처방약 주의 경고 약들,


화일첨부 ;

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Medicine, medication, drug, 차이,


Drug ; 의약품, 약, 약물, 마약 포함 = all drugs (including addictive heroin cocane) are not medicines. drug, in contrast to a medicine, can have a positive or negative effect on a patient.


Medicine ; 일반 [정제된] 알약들 = a pill is a small, rounded object that contains medicine.


Medication ; 먹을수 없는 의학적 화학약품 포함, come in many dosage forms, including tablets, capsules, liquids, creams, and patches.


Acronyms ; 첫 머리글자 약어,


AHFS ; American Hospital Formulary Service,

CFR ; Code of Federal Regulations,

FDA ; Food and Drug Administration,

IARC ; International Agency for Research on Cancer,

MSHI ; Manufacturer’s Special Handling Information,

NIOSH; National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,

NTP ; National Toxicology Program,


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# Black Box Warning medications List, boxed warnings Drug List,




200 list of drugs,



Top 200 Drugs Every Pharmacist Should Remember [2024 Updated]

Let's take look at the top 200 drugs list, each of which includes a list of all active chemicals as well as the drug class to which each ingredient belongs.



Boxed warnings ;69 page, pdf

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XXX; a few, not many,



List of Black Box Warnings for Pharmacists | PharmaFactz

Here is a list of black box warnings that discuss the serious reactions that some drugs have on the body; the complete list of drugs!



화학물질로 만든 서양 약으로는 어떤 병이던 고쳐지지 않는다.

여러분 자신이 자연치유법, spontaneous healing 을 찾아야한다.

음식만으로는 건강을 유지하지 못한다.


꾸준한 운동은 살 flesh 을 근육으로 바꾸게된다.

구르는 돌에는 이끼가 끼지 않는다.

Rolling stones gather no moss[이끼],

움직이는 몸은 노화 ageing process 를 지연 시킨다.


운동은 숨찬 shortness of breath 운동이어야

심장 폐 기관지를 건강하게 한다.


복약 주의 사항 경고 약들,

Black Box Warning medications, Boxed Warning drugs,


What is Black Box Warning?

Black box warning, or “boxed warning,” is an FDA warning to alert consumers about serious fatal, life-threatening or disabling[장애를 만드는] Adverse Effects for prescription drugs.

Found on the package insert for prescription drugs, this is the most serious warning given by the FDA.


Which drugs have a Black Box Warning?

Over 600 medications have Black Box Warnings and

40% of people are taking at least one medication with a Black Box Warning,


Black Box Warning appears on a prescription drug’s label and

is designed to call attention to serious or life-threatening risks.


Do not take any drugs as you want to be healthy and to live long,

Western Chemical Medications are Not the way to be healed,

Find yourself spontaneous healings.

Diabetes, high blood pressure, bad cholesterols are never cured by western chemical drugs.

Natural Herbs without pesticides are different.


Most Black Box Warnings are for mental illness, Diabetes, high blood pressure,

Black Box Warning is on the label of packages.


20,000 drugs are made in the US, and

Human diseases are about 10,000.

But I think that 1,000 major diseases are treated in hospitals.


Therefore, necessary medications are 1,000 X 2 or 3 Drugs/each = 2,000 - 3,000 drugs,

those 3,000 drugs are enough.

Why do pharmaceutical companies make 20,000 drugs in U.S?


How many drugs have Black Box Warnings?

왜 2001-2010 내용만?

Downing and colleagues, researchers found that nearly a third of all drugs cleared by the FDA pose[(위협 문제 등을) 제기하다] a safety risk.

of the 222 drugs approved between 2001 and 2010, researchers found manufacturers pulled three drugs off the market, and the FDA required 61 black box warnings.


# Black Box Warning Drugs 13 가지,


1. Aripiprazole; antipsychotic drug 항정신병약, (Abilify)

= This atypical antipsychotic is indicated for the treatment of various mental health and mood disorders, including schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorder.


Arixtra / Lovenox,

= Spinal/Epidural hematomas[Epidural Hematoma (EDH) occurs when blood accumulates between the skull and the dura mater, the thick membrane covering the brain.] : Patients anticoagulated[,,의 혈액 응고를 저지하다] with low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) or fondaparinux are at risk of developing an epidural or spinal hematoma that can result in long-term or permanent paralysis when neuraxial anesthesia or spinal puncture is employed.

Frequently monitor patients for signs and symptoms of neurological impairment. If neurologic compromise is noted, urgent treatment is necessary.


2. Dabigatran etexilate mesylate; anticoagulant 혈전 방지제 (Pradaxa)

= This commonly prescribed anticoagulant[혈액응고 방지제, 항응혈제] is indicated for the prevention of strokes in patients with atrial fibrillation[심방세동(心房細動), 심방잔떨림. 심방의 근층(筋層)에서 일어나는 빠르고 조화되지 않은 불규칙한 수축을 특징으로 하는 심방성 부정박동], deep vein thrombosis[심부 정맥 혈전증], and pulmonary embolism[폐색전 肺塞栓 폐동맥 또는 그 가지가 막힘으로써 일어나는 병].


3. Canagliflozin, (Drug; Invokana)

= Canagliflozin is an experimental drug being developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

A third-line medication to metformin[메트포르민, 당뇨병 치료제. 간에서 포도당이 생성되는 것을 막고 장에서는 포도당의 흡수를 감소시키며 인슐린에 대한 민감성을 개선], canagliflozin[treatment of type 2 diabetes] is prescribed to treat type 2 diabetes along with diet and exercise, and reduce the risk of Major Adverse CardioVascular[CV 심혈관의] events [MAC event 주요심장사건]  in adults with type 2 diabetes.


4. Febuxostat; urate-lowering drug, 요산에의한 통증 치료 [Uloric]

= Indicated for the chronic management of hyperuricemia in adults with gout[(팔,다리 관절에 생기는) 통풍], Febuxostat received a black box warning in February 2019, alerting prescribers and patients of the higher rate of CV[cardiovascular 심혈관의] mortality associated with the drug’s use compared with allopurinol, its most common competitor.


5. Dextroamphetamine-amphetamine 덱스트로암페타민 (Adderall)

= This CNS[Central Nervous System] Stimulant[중추신경 흥분 자극제] is commonly used for the treatment of ADHD[주의력 결핍 및 과잉 행동 장애].


6. Alprazolam 알프라졸람 (정신 안정제) (Xanax)

= This sedative is used primarily for the treatment of anxiety disorders, is contraindicated in patients with glaucoma, and should never be used in patients with a history of drug abuse due to its addictive potential.


7. Lamotrigine oral tablet is available as brand-name drugs and as generic drugs.

Brand names: Lamictal, Lamictal XR, Lamictal CD, Lamictal ODT.

Lamotrigine is used to treat certain types of seizures[발작] in people with epilepsy, and bipolar disorder.

Lamictal has a black box warning for causing cases of life-threatening serious rashes, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome[약제나 병원미생물 감염 등 여러 가지 유발요인에 의해 일어나는 피부알레르기. 다형 홍반의 일종. 다형 홍반의 심한 변형으로, 예후가 좋지 않으며 각 기관으로의 침범이 다양하여 때로는 치명적일 수도 있다.], toxic epidermal necrolysis, and/or rash-related death.


8. Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen 심한 통증 치료제 (Vicodin)

= This schedule II drug is used for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, largely after surgery.


9. Methadone Raises Risk of Respiratory Depression and QT Interval Prolongation

Methadone is a synthetic opioid analgesic indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, as well as the detoxification or maintenance treatment of opioid addiction.

The drug has a black box warning for increasing the risk of respiratory depression and QT interval prolongation. The package labeling states that cardiac and respiratory death has been reported during methadone initiation and conversion from other opioid agonists.


10. Sertraline hydrochloride (Zoloft),

Sertraline; 항우울, 항불안제,

Hydrochloride; 염산염(塩酸塩), 염화수소산염,

= Indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder, OCD, PTSD, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder, this selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor[세로토닌 재흡수 억제] antidepressant[항우울제] received a black box warning due to the increased risk of suicide associated with its use in several demographics, including children, adolescents, young adults.


11. Ticagrelor (Brilinta)

티카그렐러는 혈액의 구성 성분으로써 혈액응고의 기능을 가진 혈소판이 응집하는 것을 억제하여, 동맥혈관에 혈전이 생기는 것을 예방하는 치료제,

혈소판 血小板;; 혈액의 [단단하게 굳은]고형 固形 성분의 하나.

= This antiplatelet[항혈소판(抗血小板)의. 혈소판을 직접 길항(拮抗) 또는 파괴하는] medication received FDA approval in 2011, and is indicated to reduce the risk of CV[CardioVascular 심혈관의] death, MI[Myocardial Infarction 심근 경색(梗塞)], and stroke in patients with acute coronary syndrome[관동맥 증후군 (→angina pectoris)] or a history of MI[Myocardial Infarction 심근 경색(梗塞)].


The package labeling states that Brilinta should be avoided in patients with active pathological bleeding or a history of intracranial hemorrhage.


During a pivotal trial[pivotal clinical trial is a clinical study seeking to demonstrate the efficacy of a new drug in order to obtain its marketing approval by regulatory authorities], maintenance doses of aspirin greater than 100 mg were shown to decrease the effectiveness of Brilinta.


12. Tigecycline [tetracycline antibiotic 페니실린 종류 항생제] (Tygacil)

= An injectable antibiotic, tigecycline is indicated for the treatment of complicated skin structure infections, complicated intra-abdominal infections, and community-acquired bacterial pneumonia in patients aged 18 years and older.


13. Warfarin; 와파린(쥐약, 혈전증 치료제 등에 쓰이는 물질)

= Warfarin is used to :

- reduce the risk of risk of heart attack, stroke, or death,

- prevent and treat blood clots with atrial fibrillation or heart valve replacement,

- prevent and treat blood clots in parts of the body such as the legs (deep vein thrombosis) and in the lungs (pulmonary embolism),


Why Get Tested?

PT [Prothrombin Time 프로트롬빈 시간(~時間). (프로트롬빈-혈액 속의 응혈소), 조직<뇌>추출액[thromboplastin]과 칼슘을 혈장에 가한 후에 혈액의 응고덩어리가 형성될 때까지 요하는 시간] is a test used to help detect and diagnose a bleeding disorder or excessive clotting disorder; INR[International Normalized Ratio] is calculated from a PT result and is used to monitor how well the blood-thinning medication (anticoagulant) warfarin (Coumadin®) is working to prevent blood clots.


# Black Box Warning Drugs List,

2023년에는 삭제되어 찾을수가 없다.


It is Not All 600 Lists,


Abilify (May 15, 2017)

Abilify Maintena (Jul 31, 2017)

Addyi (Sep 01, 2015)

Aptensio XR (Aug 15, 2015)

Aristada (Mar 06, 2018)

Aubagio (Sep 25, 2015)

Balcoltra (Jul 11, 2018)

Biktarvy (Feb 08, 2018)

Botox Cosmetic (Jan 17, 2018)

Breo Ellipta (Sep 12, 2016)

Brilinta (Sep 11, 2015)

Butrans (Mar 12, 2017)

Cambia (Mar 11, 2018)

Contrave (Feb 27, 2018)

Descovy (Sep 07, 2016)

Entresto (Sep 01, 2015)

Farydak (Sep 20, 2015)

Fentora (Jul 16, 2017)

Hemlibra (Jan 21, 2018)

Herzuma (Jan 08, 2019)

Humira (Dec 11, 2016)

Hysingla ER (Sep 10, 2015)

Idhifa (Aug 29, 2017)

Invega Sustenna (Sep 08, 2016)

Invega Trinza (Sep 02, 2015)

Jynarque (Aug 22, 2018)

Lemtrada (May 21, 2018)

Mavenclad (Apr 03, 2019)

Mylotarg (Sep 18, 2017)

Novoseven RT (Mar 26, 2018)

Nuplazid (Jan 22, 2019)

Odomzo (Sep 12, 2015)

Onfi (Dec 19, 2017)

Onivyde (Nov 05, 2015)

Osphena (Oct 19, 2015)

Ozempic (Jan 04, 2018)

Rexulti (Sep 02, 2015)

Savaysa (Oct 14, 2015)

Spravato (Mar 27, 2019)

Stiolto (Sep 02, 2015)

Trulicity (Jun 02, 2016)

Truxima (Dec 04, 2018)

Tymlos (Nov 04, 2018)

Tysabri (Nov 02, 2017)

Ultomiris (Jan 08, 2019)

Vraylar (Feb 27, 2018)

Xeljanz (Mar 11, 2018)

Xyrem (Jan 04, 2018)


Black Box Warning, Boxed Warning, Black-Box Warning,



Drug class Drug name Reason for warning
Antidepressants/Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) Zoloft (sertraline hydrochloride), Celexa (citalopram hydrobromide), Prozac (fluoxetine hydrochloride) All antidepressants received a black box warning in 2004 to warn consumers about an increase in suicidal thoughts and behaviors associated with these drugs for people with mental health problems.
Bronchodilators/LABAs and steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, Advair Diskus (fluticasone salmeterol) Increased risk of asthma-associated deaths,
Miscellaneous antipsychotic agents, Seroquel (quetiapine fumarate),
Olanzapine(Zyprexa), risperidone(Risperdal),
black box warning[2005]
Increased mortality in the elderly that have dementia-related psychosis and increase of suicidality in children through young adults,
Certain analgesics/narcotics, OxyContin (oxycodone) Dependence on the drug/addiction,
Antibiotics (fluoroquinolones) Levaquin (levofloxacin) Risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture across all ages,
Antimetabolites or folic acid antagonists, Methotrexate Increased risk of end-stage liver disease,


Black Box Warning, 년도


  Cozaar (losartan) 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg Tablets 01/2014
  Hyzaar(losartan/hydrochlorothiazide) 50/12.5 mg, 100/12.5 mg, and 100/25 mg Tablets 01/2014
  Tysabri (natalizumab) Injection 12/2013
  Entereg (alvimopan) Capsules 10/2013
  Lovenox (enoxaparin sodium) injection 10/2013
  Ofirmev (acetaminophen) Injection 10/2013
  Modicon (norethindrone/ethinyl estradiol) 10/2013
  Ortho-Cept (desogestrel/ethinyl estradiol) 10/2013
  Ortho-Cyclen (norgestimate/ethinyl estradiol) 10/2013
  Ortho Novum (norethindrone/ethinyl estradiol) 10/2013
  Ortho Tri-Cyclen (norgestimate/ethinyl estradiol) 10/2013
  Arzerra (ofatumumab) Injection 09/2013
  CombiPatch (estradiol/norethindrone acetate transdermal system) 09/2013
  Potiga (ezogabine)tablets 50 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg 09/2013


Black box warning or Black-Box Warning,

Black box warning 만 따로 복사함



Drug; conjugated estrogens,

AHFS classification; 68:12 contraceptives

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

NTP “known to be human carcinogen”; Black Box warning for endometrial cancer and cardiovascular risks; Long-term use in women and laboratory studies increases frequency of several cancers,


Drug; esterified estrogens, 에스트론의 에스터 나트륨염의 혼합물,

AHFS classification; 68:12 contraceptives,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

NTP “known to be human carcinogen”, Black Box warning for endometrial cancer and cardiovascular risks,


Drug; Lenalidomide,

AHFS classification; 92:20 biologic response modulators,

MSHI; yes,

Supplemental Information;

Analog of thalidomide; FDA Black box warnings for limb abnormalities; in laboratory studies, caused thalidomide-type limb defects in monkey offspring,

탈리도마이드(thalidomide)와 유사한 약물로 다발골수종 및 특정 유형의 빈혈 치료에 사용된다. 치료 경험이 있는 외투세포 림프종(mantle cell lymphoma)에도 사용된다. 레날리도마이드(lenalidomide)는 면역체계가 비정상적인 혈액세포나 암세포를 죽이는 것을 돕는다. 또한 암세포가 성장할 때 필요한 새로운 혈관생성을 억제한다.

Lenalidomide is used to treat various types of cancers. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. It is also used to treat anemia in patients with certain blood/bone marrow disorders (myelodysplastic syndromes-MDS). Lenalidomide may lessen the need for blood transfusions.

Lenalidomide is NOT recommended for the treatment of a certain type of cancer (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) because of the increased risk of serious heart-related side effects and death. If you have this type of cancer, talk to your doctor about the risks of using this medication.


Drug; carbamazepine, 카르바마제핀 [삼차(三叉) 신경통, 간질 치료용의 항(抗)경련제]

AHFS classification; 28:12:92 anticonvulsants[항경련제들], miscellaneous,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

간질과 삼차三叉 신경통의 치료에 널리 사용되는 방향족 항경련제이며 심각하거나 치명적일 수 있는 간 손상 원인,

Black Box warning for aplastic anemia; Congenital malformations in offspring of mothers who took drug; Rapid transplacental passage,


Drug; Divalproex [sodium] 디발프로엑스 나트륨,

[Divalproex ; combination of valproate[밸프로에이트, 간질약] and valproic acid[경련제 및 기분 안정제] used to treat bipolar disorder],

AHFS classification; 28:12:92 anticonvulsants, miscellaneous,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

Treat seizures (epilepsy). Only met the NIOSH criteria as a developmental and/or reproductive hazard; Black box warning on embryo-fetal death or severe birth defects; Recommend effective contraception for females during therapy and for seven months after treatment; Present in semen; No sperm donation during and three months post-treatment,


Drug; Estradiol, 여성에 주로 존재하는 성호르몬으로, 에스트로겐 중 가장 강력하고 대표적인 호르몬,

AHFS classification; 68:16:04 estrogens,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

Black Box warning for malignant neoplasms[악성 고혈압증; 고혈압증의 하나의 병태를 나타낸 것이고, 임상적으로는 대개 확장기 고혈압(통상은 130mmHg이상)인데, 안저에는 유두부종(乳頭浮腫)이 있으며, 급속하게 진행하는 신기능장애를 수반하고 방치하면 대개 요독증으로 사망한다.] ; Increased risk of endometrial cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer; in laboratory studies, increased frequency of carcinomas of the breast, uterus, cervix, vagina, testis, and liver; Present in breast milk, 


Drug; Estropipate, [also known as piperazine estrone sulfate, and brand names; Harmogen, Improvera, Ogen],

AHFS classification; 68:16:04 estrogens,


Supplemental Information;

Black Box warning for endometrial carcinoma in postmenopausal women,

Estropipate is used to treat menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal changes, and to prevent osteoporosis (bone loss) in menopausal women.


Drug; liraglutide recombinant[재조합제],

AHFS classification; 68:20.06 incretin mimetics,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

Liraglutide 리라글루티드; 당뇨병 환자의 혈당을 낮추거나 비만 환자의 체중을 줄이기 위해 쓰이는 약물.

Black Box warning for thyroid C-cell tumors, with supporting evidence in laboratory studies; In laboratory studies, teratogenic at or below the MRHD[Maximum Recommended Human Dose],

Liraglutide Subcutaneous Injection (Victoza) Indication: Liraglutide (recombinant DNA origin) is prescribed as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in adults with type-2 diabetes mellitus.


Drug; Mipomersen,

AHFS classification; 24:06:92 antilipemic agents, miscellaneous,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

혈청지질 내에서, 고콜레스테롤혈증은 동맥경화에 의거한 뇌졸증이나 허혈성 심질환의 위험인자로서 주목되고 있다. 고콜레스테롤혈증 개선을 위하여 식사요법과 함께 병행되는 것이 탈콜레스테롤제, 

Black box warning of hepatotoxicity-[간독성(肝毒性), 간세포독[성][幹細胞毒(性)]. 간세포에 대하여 독성 또는 파괴성을 가지고 있는 것.],

- Hepatotoxicity ; (from hepatic toxicity ) implies chemical-driven liver damage. Drug-induced liver injury is a cause of acute and chronic liver disease caused specifically by medications.


Drug; mycophenolate mofetil, 미코페놀레이트 모페틸,

AHFS classification; 92:44 immunosuppressive agents,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

면역억제제의 일종인 미코페놀산(mycophenolic acid)의 모르포리노데틸에스터. 장기 이식 후 발생할 수 있는 이식편 대 숙주반응(graft-versus-host disease, GVHD)을 예방하거나 자가면역질환 치료에 사용된다. 

Black Box warning for embryo fetal toxicity, malignancies and serious infections; Increased risk of first-trimester pregnancy loss and increased risk of congenital malformations; Special warning: tablets should not be crushed and capsules should not be opened or crushed. Avoid inhalation or direct contact with skin or mucous membranes[점막, 두 단어] of the powder contained in capsules and oral suspension (before or after constitution). If such contact occurs, wash thoroughly with soap and water; rinse eyes with plain water,


Drug; mycophenolic acid, 마이코페놀산,

AHFS classification; 92:44 immunosuppressive agents,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

곰팡이가 생성하는 독소의 일종. 대표적인 생산균에는 Penicillum brevi-compactum, p. stoloniferum, p. patulum, p. meleagarinum 등이 있다. 동물세포의 증식을 억제한다는 점에서 항암작용을 기대했으나, in vivo에서의 독성이 강하여 개발을 중지하였다.

Black Box warning for embryo fetal toxicity, malignancies and serious infections; Increased risk of first-trimester pregnancy loss and increased risk of congenital malformations; Black Box warning for lymphomas and other malignancies; genotoxic in vitro and in vivo,


Drug; Ospemifene,

AHFS classification; 68:16:12 estrogen agonist-antagonists,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

This medication is used to treat painful sexual intercourse and vaginal dryness in women after menopause.

Black box warning on increased risk of endometrial cancer in certain populations; Risk of adverse outcomes during pregnancy and labor,


Drug; Regorafenib, 레고라페닙,

AHFS classification; 10:00 antineoplastic agents,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

소라페닙(sorafenib)에 치료되지 않은 간암이나 다른 부위로 이미 전이된 위장관에 사용되는 약제. Multikinase 억제제이며 혈관형성을 억제하는 경구용 표적치료제. 스티바가(Stivarga)라고도 한다.

Only met the NIOSH criteria as a developmental and/or reproductive hazard; Black box warning on severe and sometimes fatal hepatotoxicity; Total loss of pregnancy at doses lower that recommended human dose,

- Hepatotoxicity ; (from hepatic toxicity ) implies chemical-driven liver damage. Drug-induced liver injury is a cause of acute and chronic liver disease caused specifically by medications.


Drug; Spironolactone, 스피로노락톤,

AHFS classification; 24:32.20 mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists,[서로 상반되는 작용을 동시에 하는 근육이다. 장력효과를 가지고 있어 역학적으로 대항하는 근육]

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

스피로노락톤은 고혈압 및 부종 치료에 사용되는 이뇨제. 수분과 나트륨의 배설은 증가시키고 칼륨의 배설은 감소시켜 이뇨 및 혈압강하 작용을 한다. 칼륨의 체내 저류를 증가시키므로 칼륨이 풍부한 식품이나 고칼륨혈증을 유발하는 약품과 함께 복용하지 않는다.

Black box warning for tumorogenicity in laboratory studies,

Spironolactone is used to treat certain patients with hyperaldosteronism (the body produces too much aldosterone, a naturally occurring hormone); low potassium levels; heart failure; and in patients with edema (fluid retention) caused by various conditions, including liver, or kidney disease,

---- ---

Drug; teriflunomide

AHFS classification; 92:20 immunomodulatory agents,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

Black box warning on severe hepatotoxicity and teratogenicity including major birth defects,

Teriflunomide is used to treat relapsing forms of Multiple Sclerosis[MS; disease that leads to inflammation and damage to parts of your central nervous system (CNS).] in adults (including clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease).


Drug; tofacitinib,

AHFS classification; 92:36 disease modifying antirheumatic drugs,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

Black box warning for lymphoma and other malignancies,

Tofacitinib is used to treat psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


Drug; vismodegib

AHFS classification; 10:00 antineoplastic agents,

MSHI; non

Supplemental Information;

수술이나 방사선치료 후 국소적으로 재발된 기저세포암(basal cell carcinoma)을 치료하기 위해 사용되는 약제.

This medication is used to treat adults with a certain type of skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma).

Only met the NIOSH criteria as a developmental and/or reproductive hazard; Black box warning on embryo-fetal death or severe birth defects; Recommend effective contraception for females during therapy and for seven months after treatment; present in semen; No sperm donation during and three months post-treatment,









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