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동포라 하라. 교민, 교포은 부적절, T675

언어 Language

by 진보남북통일 2024. 3. 3. 15:20


동포라 하라. 교민, 교포은 부적절,


동포 同胞 : 동 same, 포 placenta-[태반, 胎盤].

(한인) 동포 ; (Korean) Compatriot  / 반대말-outsider,

Compatriot 뜻 : a person (born?), residing, or holding citizenship in the same country as another.

brothers and sisters born from a same parent, friendly expression of people from the same country or people of the same nationality.

-同 (한가지 동) = 1.한가지  2.무리(모여서 뭉친 한 동아리)  3.함께(≒同)

-胞 (세포 포/ 여드름 포) = 1.세포(細胞), 포자(胞子)  2.배  3.태보(胎褓), 삼(태아를 싸고 있는 막과 태반)


교포 僑胞 : 교 people residing abroad, 포 placenta.

-僑 (더부살이 교/ 높을 교) = 1.더부살이  2.임시 거처(居處)  3.우거하다(寓居--: 남의 집이나 타향에서 임시로 몸을 붙여 살다)

a person who (come to) lives in another country wothout or with citizenship, overseas Korean, Korean resident abroad,


교민 僑民 : 교 people residing abroad, 민 people.

Koreans temporarily residing in overseas, Koreans temporarily residing abroad


#동포는 한 핏줄 한 형제라는 혈육적인 긍정적 의미가 있지만


교포는 본국에서 볼때 본국이 아닌 해외(타국)에서 '더부살이하면서 떠돌아 다니는 동포'


교민은 떠돌아 다니는 소수 국민 을 지칭하는 말이다


동포(同胞): 동 same, 포 placenta.

brothers and sisters born from a same parent, friendly expression of people from the same country or people of the same nationality.


In practice, it refers to most overseas Koreans. Especially, use for in china or in russia.

in my opinion, it is an old word, and usually used before 1950. And in that time,

koreans usually visit china(중국동포) or russia(especially ukraine. Soviet government force moved Koreans to Ukraine. 우크라이나 고려인 동포 Ukraine Korean 동포).


#교포(僑胞): 교 people residing abroad, 포 placenta.

Koreans who (come to) live in another country wothout or with citizenship, overseas Korean, Korean resident abroad,.

In practice, It refers to Koreans who are in japan(재일교포) or in USA (재미교포) or in south America (남미교포).

in my opinion, the word was usually used after 1960s. And in that time, Koreans usually visit japan or America to get jobs.


#교민(僑民): 교 people residing abroad, 민 people.

Foreign person living in other countries, temporary residents, etc.

In practice, in my opinion, it refers to Koreans who are not a large group.

Like 과테말라(Guatemala) 현지교민.

교민이 아니라  동포, Not using for Koreans who living in America. ( 재미동포 O, 재미교민 X )

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