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휴대전화기 스마트폰 중독, Smartphone Addiction, T706

전화 Phone

by 진보남북통일 2024. 3. 28. 13:05


휴대전화기 스마트폰 중독, Smartphone Addiction,


전화기 오래 사용하면 눈 피로, 목통증, 허리통증, 우울증, 외로움?, 기분장애, 수면 방해,

How does your phone affect your mental health?

Excessive use of cell phones has been attributed to an increase in both physical and mental health issues including eye strain, neck pain, back pain, depression, loneliness, mood disorders, and sleep disturbances. Jul 1, 2023




How Do Smartphones Affect Mental Health?

How do smartphones affect mental health? Our expert analysis explores the latest research on this topic and provides insights into the potential effects of smartphone use.



불안과 우울증 유발,

cell phones cause anxiety and depression,

a study among teenagers on 'Do cell phones cause anxiety and depression?' revealed smartphones contributed to increased depression rates.

This study showed that teenagers who were constantly on their phones were less happy than those who took part in non-screen activities. Jan 14, 2022


12시간 동안 휴대폰을 사용하면 어떻게 되나?

What happens if you spend 12 hours on your phone?

Negative Effects of Too Much Screen Time:

눈 피로와 두통, Eye Strain and Headaches - Too much time spent looking at screens can cause fatigue or discomfort in your eyes as well as dimmed vision. Glare on screens and the brightness of the display can place further strain on your eyes. Eventually, this strain can lead to headaches.

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