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스텐트 넣으면 수명이 줄어든다. 혈전문제, T737

건강 health

by 진보남북통일 2024. 4. 23. 04:57


스텐트 넣으면 수명이 줄어든다. 혈전문제,


스텐트 넣으면

생존 수명이 (Long-term, 장기적으로는) 40% - 45% 줄어든다.

원래 수명의 60% 만 살수가 있다.


how long can a person live after stents?


Life expectancy after stent implant;;

Probabilities of survival and 95% CI for men and women were, respectively,


short-term, 단기적으로는 : 97.3% (97.0-97.6%) and 97.1% (96.6-97.4%),

medium-term, 중기로는 : 93.6% (93.2-94.1%) and 93.4% (92.8-94.0%), and

long-term, 장기적으로는 : 55.7% (54.0-57.4%) and 58.1% (55.8-60.3%).


스텐트 넣는다고 해결 되는게 아니라

혈전이 혈관에 다시 끼면 심장마비가 올수 있다.

즉 건강관리를 안하면, 스텐트 넣어도 문제는 계속 생긴다.


Can you have a heart attack after stents?

Blood clots can form within the stent. Risk of getting a blood clot is much higher if you stop taking blood thinners before your provider says to do so.

Blood clots can lead to life-threatening conditions, such as heart attack, stroke, and venous thromboembolism(정맥 혈전색전증).


^^note;; coronary atherosclerosis, 관상동맥 경화증, 죽상동맥 경화증;;

-동맥의 안쪽에 지방과 콜레스테롤로 이루어진 덩어리가 생긴 상태. 죽상동맥경화증은 심장 뇌혈관질환의 시작이 된다.


스텐트의 장기적인 문제점은 무엇인가?

결론은 금속 망사가 들어있으니 방해를 받아서 혈전이 더 형성될수 있다.

따라서 혈전이 안생기도록 건강 관리를 해야,,


What are the long term problems with stents?


답;; 하나는 재협착증으로 알려진 스텐트 내부 영역이 점진적으로 좁아지는 것이다.

다른 하나는 스텐트 혈전증이라고 하는 스텐트 내부에 혈전이 형성되는 것이다


One is a gradual renarrowing of the area inside the stent, known as restenosis.

The other is the formation of clots inside the stent, called stent thrombosis. Mar 1, 2022


왼쪽으로 자면 호흡 문제와 가슴 통증이 더 심해질 수 있으므로

오른쪽으로만 자도록 하세요.


What is the best position to sleep after a heart stent?


Right side: Some individuals have the habit of sleeping on their stomach, however, after the heart surgery, this posture is not recommended. So instead, you can try sleeping on your side.

But, make sure you only sleep on your right side as sleeping on the left side can cause breathing problems and more chest pain. Sep 5, 2020.


스텐트 시술 중의 가장 큰 위험 ;


What is the biggest risk of a stent procedure?

Risks of coronary angioplasty (관상동맥 성형술) with stent placement may include:

*Re-narrowing of the artery;;

Re-narrowing of the artery, also called re-stenosis, is more likely to occur if no stent is used. If the stent is coated with a medicine, there is even less risk of narrowing.


-Blood clots. Blood clots can form within stents;;

These clots can close the artery, causing a heart attack. Medicines can help reduce the risk of blood clots.


-Bleeding or infection;;

During the procedure, a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel, usually in the arm or leg. Bleeding, bruising or infection may occur where the catheter was inserted.


Other Rare Risks of angioplasty[혈관형성(성형)술] include;;

-Heart attack;;

Heart attacks that cause severe tissue damage or death are rare.


-Coronary artery damage, 관상동맥 손상;;

The coronary artery may be torn or ruptured during coronary angioplasty and stenting.

These complications may require emergency open-heart surgery.


-Kidney injury;;

The risk is higher when other conditions already affect how well the kidneys work.



During angioplasty[혈관형성(성형)술] 하는 중에, a piece of fatty plaque can break loose, travel to the brain and block blood flow. A stroke is an extremely rare complication of coronary angioplasty. Blood thinners are used during the procedure to reduce the risk.


-Irregular heartbeats;;

During the procedure, the heart may beat too fast or too slow. These heart rhythm problems may need to be treated with medicine or a temporary pacemaker.


스텐트 넣고 기침을하면 스텐트가 움직일수 있다.


Can coughing move a stent?

Your stent is held in place by pressure. When swelling and redness from your procedure lessens, there's a small chance your stent will move. This may lead to sudden coughing or shortness of breath.

아주 드물게, 스텐트나 스텐트 조각을 기침으로 토할 수도 있다고??.

Very rarely, you may cough up the stent or a piece of the stent. Sep 21, 2023


Why do I have to carry a stent card?


It documents the patient's details, the length of time the stent should remain and contact details for the patient to use if they have not received any dates for stent change or removal.


What are the signs of stent failure?


If you've had angioplasty and stenting, you should call your provider if you experience:

-Chest discomfort (angina), arm pain or shoulder pain.

-Cold sweats.

-Shortness of breath.

-Unexplained fatigue or weakness.



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