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무약치유, Drug Free Healing; Diseases not cured with Western medications. T740

건강 health/=약 Drug medication

by 진보남북통일 2024. 4. 25. 13:56


무약 치유;  Drug Free Healing; Diseases cannot be cured with Western medications.


revised ;; 2024 June, 01, 


files atached;  2024 June, 01, 



1 무약치유, 약없이 치유 10P.docx


Drug Free Healing; Diseases cannot be cured with Western medications.


Drug-Free Healing is different from self-curing.

self-cure; acting or serving to cure or repair oneself or itself: such as: involving or promoting recovery from injury or disease.


Modern people's diseases arise from excessive nutrition (eat delicious food), ride in the car, not walk and lack of physical exercise.


diseases cannot be cured with medicines because the side effects of western medications damage organs. Until now (to date), billions of people have died not from diseases, but from side effects of medications.


The doctor's job is to give medicine after examinations, but The symptoms of the disease cannot be cured due to the side effects of the drug.

Therefore, people who follow and obey doctors' instructions will die earlier than their expected life expectancy.


Among centenarians, (people who live over 100 years old), none of them take many medicines(pills).


Most of the medical students in medical school study to make money, not to heal people.

but the contents(articles) here are written to save people from diseases and has nothing to do with making money.


the more Western medicines you take, and the longer time you take them,

the side effects are more severe, and more organs become damaged and you die.


During major surgery, some surgeons cut capillaries, muscles, nervous system, tissue, cells and lymphatic system, and then complete the surgery without putting them back in place.

because it's difficult to put everything back in its place, (maybe it's not possible with medical technology?),

but patients are unaware of the surgical process.


If you have a pacemaker, you may only live 8-15 years, but doctors don't tell you that truth.

If people do muscles exercise without inserting a pacemaker, their heart will be recovered and returned to normal.


However, if a pacemaker is implanted, the heart becomes weaker over time,

because people cannot do strenuous heart muscles exercise with a pacemaker.


As other evidence that Korean doctors have jobs to make money rather than saving people's lives,

How many patients are treated by one doctor in Korea, in other word,

‘doctors per 1,000 population’ is too low.

‘nurses per 1,000 population’ is too low.


However, in Korea, doctors oppose increasing the number of students at medical schools in order to make more money


PIC; ‘doctors per 1,000 population’


PIC;  Left,  


We can reduce or stop taking medications by changing daily life pattern,

and (natural) drug-free healing without medications keeps healthy body and mind, and we can live long time.


Only ‘Drug-Free Healing without medication’ can heals us.



Stroke (paralysis); Combination of the two

=> [Cerebral infarction (brain blood vessel blocked) + cerebral hemorrhage (brain blood vessel burst)]

(Cerebral infarction 76% + cerebral hemorrhage 24%),

Cerebrovascular blockages are three times more common than cerebral hemorrhages (vessel burst).


Cerebral infarction (brain blood vessel blockage) does not occur due to high blood pressure,

 on the contrary, high blood pressure occurs due to cerebral infarction (blockage of blood vessels);


# ‘Drug-Free Healing’ and the secret to longevity by gradually reducing or quit taking medication


If you eat a lot of food over the age of 60 or eat foods with high nutritional value,

you may become overnourished, excessive nutrients are slowly stored in organs.

If you do not consume it through exercise or strenuous labor works,

excessive nutrients turn into fat and then slowly turns into blood clots.


Blood that goes out through the arteries travels through the capillaries of the organs and returns to the veins.  Blood clots block capillaries in all organs.


When a blood clot blocks all capillaries, including the kidneys, heart, brain, and eyes,

This cannot be healed by taking medicination(pills); you need to reduce or remove the fat in your body.


Potbelly is an unhealthy warning sign, but people don't know about it.

It excessive nutrition is stored in your body, even if you don't have a potbelly or no obesity,

Still Blood clots form slowly in the body.


PIC1; blood flow circulation,

The organs that use the most blood are;

22% kidneys that filter blood

21% Digestive system and spleen

15% bones, skeletal muscles

14% brain ,,,, omitted below,



All organs are made of muscle with proteins,

muscle exercises by walking, running in the morning and evening,

exercise with out of breath keeps your heart and lungs healthy.


You can do lying down exercises even in a small area at home.

You can easily lose belly fat by leg lifting up exercise or sit-up.


many people under the age of 60, have high blood pressure and diabetes.

When I asked about diabetes and high blood pressure, I was told that once you take (pills) medication for high blood pressure, you have to keep taking it.

It is said that most people continue to take diabetes medicine.


So how long it should be taken?

Why are medicines taken for lifetime if it won't be cured?

Yes, it can be healed.


If you take the medicine for 3-4 years, you should be cured.

but if you stop taking the medicine, diabetes and high blood pressure rise up again.


Because taking medicine prevents only the current condition from getting worse

or, it is just a matter of tinkering to prevent the symptoms of the disease from appearing.

High blood pressure and diabetes remain in the body, and when you stop taking medicine, it goes up again.


So should they take medicine until they die?

The purpose of pharmaceutical companies making drugs is to make money, not to cure our diseases.


If there is no cure and continuing to take medicine, it is same as throwing your money in the trash until you die.


We have been tamed culturally to take medicine when we are sick or ill.

We don't know any other way than taking medicine or surgery.


So, we don't know anything about drug-free healing,

and we don't know how to heal without drugs, we feel hopeless without medicines.


However, if you find out what is causing the disease, you will definitely find out, although it may take time.


Over the past 70 years, hundreds of millions of people have died due to side effects from medications, there has been no class action lawsuit yet.


However, if it were proven by lawyers, conscientious doctors, and pharmacists that hundreds of millions of people died due to the side effects of drugs,

A class action lawsuit will become possible.


This is a rebellion and revolution against the medical community and pharmaceutical industry.


If we recognize that many people are dying due to the side effects of drugs,

if new changes and awareness arise through legal class action lawsuits,


The economy of the medical field [pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, doctors] is taking a hard hit and it will be an opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry to be shaken and collapse.


It means that people are experiencing Drug Free Healing,

it will be an opportunity to live a healthier and prolong lifespan.


These incidents become possible when we realize that medicines are killers, If there is a rumor that the medicine so far does not cure, and only stops the worsening, and only causes side effects,


This is the mission of our generation for our descendants that the challenges to and rebellions against the pharmacy community and pharmaceutical industries.


When many people become interested in drug-free healing and turn their backs on medicine,

Pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and doctors will be hit hard.


This will be the revolution in the medical industries and new changes will be formed.

But no one knows when that will happen.


Cramps in legs at night, varicose veins, and athletes get cramps

It is caused by a weak heart pumping and kidneys.


Likewise, diseases related to urine are curable if the heart and kidneys are healthy.


Most diseases are caused by our unhealthy lifestyle habits

So we must change our lifestyle habits to be cured.


Drug-free healing can be achieved through diet control and labor works that move the body at all times, (example); cleaning, volunteer works in community, exercise, social activities, etc,,,


Why can't it be healed with Dr. Lee Sang-gu's New Start (3-week treatment program) and

Dr. Oh Eun-young's alcohol treatment training?


Because diseases are caused by our unhealthy lifestyles.

Healing is possible only by changing lifestyle patterns and habits

(Not attending a cancer treatment program).


Cancer and other diseases take more than 10 to 15 years to be developed.

you can't be healed in just New Start (3-weeks treatment program) by Dr. Lee Sang-gu.


If you have cancer, you need protein, so you have to eat meats.

but in New Start (3-week treatment program), it is difficult to heal only eating vegetables without meats, fishes. Seventh-day Adventists do not eat meat and fish.


Also alcohol treatment training by Dr. Oh Eun-young does not cure alcohol addiction.

While in treatment training, it seems like it can be fixed, but you return home from treatment training center and your alcoholism will start again if you don't change your daily lifestyle-pattern,


illnesses or diseases begin with our unhealthy lifestyle, so we need to change our lifestyle.

Diseases or cancers can’t be cured with 3 weeks training program by going somewhere else.


Drug-free healing of animals,


Wild animals do not have veterinarians, so they heal themselves without medication.

When animals get sick, they are recovered slowly by stop eating anything and only drinking water.


But when people hear that some food supplements are good, they keep eating it,

It hinders healing and creates side effects.

The food supplements advertised on TV are made to make money but not for our health.


It takes 10 to 15 years or more for cancer to be developed.

If we take medicine, it may be effective quickly, but it occurs always side effects.

Drug-free Healing progresses slowly and it may take several years.


Healing without drugs builds up own immunity or helps to realize the cause of the disease.

( drugs work for temporary patching, tinkering to stop appearing symptoms )


Western medicine does not treat the cause of the disease or not build up immunity.

In other words, Western medicine only maintains the current condition and prevents it from getting worse, but does not cure completely.


Pharmaceutical companies do not make drugs for healing, but to make money by continuing to sell drugs.

Therefore, Western medicines do not cure the disease or cancers,

Complete healings or recoveries are possible without medication If we improve our lifestyle-patterns,


When a blood vessel is blocked, there is a device that unclogs the blood vessel without inserting a stent (see yellow folder ‘3 STENT’), but hospitals do not buy this device.

because hospital, doctors make less money if blood clots are simply cleaned and unclogged with these devices.


Most of medicines over-the counter (without prescriptions) are also chemical products.

If medicines are taken for a long time, side effects inevitably follow and many people die due to the side effects.

Pharmaceutical companies have strong legal power, so you need medical evidences to win your case.

Asian Traditional medicines are made from herbs, plants and animals, so they have less side effects.

antipsychotic drugs are more dangerous and serious than general prescription drugs.

only the way to cure them is strong will and physical labor or exercise.


Appropriate labor or exercise that keeps the body moving purifies the blood and prevent geriatric disease, stroke, dementia.


If you take a brisk walk between 30 minutes - an hour in the morning or evening,

If you do labor works, walking or exercise out of breath, you do not need medication.

if you have knee pains, there are many lying down workouts on YouTube.


However, if you insert a pacemaker, you are stepping on threshold of death.

you will no longer be able to do strenuous exercise, so you can't make heart muscle healthy.


You can live 8-15 years from the day a pacemaker is inserted.


If the heart pumping is weak and the kidneys are bad, blood clots increase and it becomes the cause of all diseases.

( Blood clots are caused by fatty foods and by weakened organ functions )


What causes of frozen shoulder, varicose veins, sciatica, etc.?

the weak heart pumping and the bad kidneys cause to form blood clots and cause illness.


If the heart pumps poorly, blood cannot flow down the legs and not come up.

it keeps your muscles healthy through labors, exercises, etc, by moving body through exercise.


It is possible to heal by reducing medication or (drug-free) without medication.


As you get older, your blood pressure rises slightly, but you should not lower your blood pressure by taking medication.

If you take medicine to lower your blood pressure, the pressure will drop and cause more problems, so do not lower your blood pressure if it is slightly high.

Slightly high blood pressure is normal for older people.

See yellow (envelope) folder in the top,


=> 1 HEALING with No Drugs 36  => Read ‘Hypertens Eng 15P’


a couple whose wife was a pharmacist. A wife often took medicine when she was sick.

she has taken medicines very often, when she had a cold, feel sick, headaches, tired, or have an infection,,,, so on.

The wife-pharmacist who often had taken medicine, died early.

But the husband (who dislikes medicine and does not take it,) is still alive and over 90 years old.

Even though he is in pain with groaning, he does not take any medicine and just struggles,

then gradually get up.

That means if you want to live a long life, you should stay away from Western medication.


Animal fat, fatty bacon, fried foods and fatty meat can cause blood clots.


There are good and bad bacteria in our body.

When antibiotics are taken, antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria in our body.

Antibiotics kill good probiotics and beneficial microorganisms in our gut.


There are many blood vessels ( Capillary ) in the kidneys, eyes, and brain.

If the blood is thick, it cannot pass through the arteries and veins.


If there are too many blood clots and they don't pass through the kidneys or eyes,

it cannot be cured by taking medication.


If eyesight gets worse, it's not something you can do by taking eye medication.

Blood clots should be reduced.


However, a doctor prescribes eye medication, kidney medication, etc,,.

No !!. Medicines do not cure the disease, not reduce blood clots.


How do you reduce blood clots?


Read the above article again.


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