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심장약 이름 종류, Heart medications, medicines, 861

건강 health/=약 Drug medication

by 진보남북통일 2024. 8. 31. 14:39


심장약 이름 종류, Heart medications, medicines,


관심있는 약을 열고 부작용 side effects 보세요.


화일첨부 ;

DRU HEART 심장 블러그 1P.docx


약으로는 병을 못고치니 절대 먹어서는 안됨니다.

You should never take any drugs, medicines because it cannot cure the disease.


약을 먹는것은, 식사할때 농약이나 살충제를 조금씩 먹는거나 같습니다.

그러므로 약을 먹으면, 장기들이 천천히 망가져서, 정상수명보다 일찍 죽어요.

Taking medicine is like taking a little pesticide with your meal.

Therefore, taking medicines, your organs will slowly deteriorate, so you die earlier than your normal lifespan.


질병은 음식과 운동 조절로 (임시 치료 아닌) 치유 가능,

Diseases can be healed with food diet and exercise. (not with temporary treatment)


심장약, 치료에 따른,

심장약은 약이름 A B C 순서가 없슴,

heart medications by condition and treatment,



List of Heart Disease Medications

Compare risks and benefits of common medications used for Heart Disease. Find the most popular drugs, view ratings and user reviews.






Types of Heart Medications

The American Heart Association explains the various medications for heart disease and cardiovascular conditions, such as Anticoagulants, Blood Thinners, Antiplatelets, ACE Inhibitors, Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers, Beta Blockers, Calcium Channel Blocker




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