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집을 살때 피해야하는 조건들, Type of House to avoid buying, T149

부동산 Real Estate

by 진보남북통일 2022. 11. 27. 14:34


집을 살때 피해야하는 조건들, Type of House to avoid buying,



01. 집을 잘못 사면 참으로 골치 아프다.

사는 동안에 괴롭고, 팔려고하면 잘 팔리지도 않는다.,


02. 옆집을 알고 사야 =

차를 고쳐서 수리하는 직업은 앞마당에서 수리를 못하게 되어있으나

대부분은 앞마당에서 수리하고, 차가 많으니 동네 거리다 주차하고

여러분 길 앞에 주차한다.


03. 소음이 많은 시끄러운 이웃을 피하라,

낮이던 밤이던 자주 떠들고 악기를 연주하고

개를 여러마리 키워서 개가 자주 짖고, 잠 자는데 괴로우면

그런 집은 사지 말아야한다.

주말이면 파티하고 확성기로 노래 부르는 집은 피하라,


옆집이 식당업을 하면 밤에 무엇을 만드느라고 기계를 돌려서 시끄럽다.


04. 식구가 많은 집은 피하라, 렌트를 준 집이나 사람이 많이 살면

마약을 팔기도하고 자동차도 많아서 여러분 집 앞에 주차한다.


05. 큰 나무가 있는집은 나무 가지가 여러분 짐으로 넘어와서

낙엽이 떨어지고, 블럭담에 금이가고, 시멘트를 들어 올린다.


06. 교회 옆에 집을 사면 여러분 집앞에 주차하고

시끄럽게 노래 부르고, 방언 기도하고, 행사도 하고, 피해야 하는 집,


07. 마약, 노숙자 동네 ;

동네에서 마약을 하거나 노숙자가 많으면

여러분 집에도 영향을 미친다.


08. 도둑이 자주 오는 동네 ;

옆집이 자주 도둑을 맞으면 여러분 집도 털린다.


09. 코너집 ; 코너 집은 앞마당이 많고 필요한 뒷마당은 작다.

뒷마당은 여러분이 사용 하는 마당이고 앞마당은 여러분게 아니다.

코너집은 길 옆이라서 나쁜 학생들이 지나다니며 물건을 던진다.


10. 큰거리 ; 시끄럽고 진동이 심해서 건강에 나쁘고 차가 담을 박아서 담 무너진다.

생명도 위험하다,


11. 고층 아파트 부근 ;

여러분의 집을 내려다보고 언제 나가고 들어가는지 시간을 아니까

친구들을 시켜서 도둑을 당한다.


;; 상담 내용 ;;


라티노들 파티 소음,


엘에이 한인 타운 에서 3마일쯤 부근에 살아요.

중간 가격 보다 좀 낮은 오래된 주택들 밀집된 곳입니다.


대부분 라티노 들이고, 흑인 약간, 한인은 흑인들 보다 적구요

아주 오래된 집을 갖고 있는데 문제는

옆집과 아주 바짝 붙어 있는데 , 악기를 그렇게 자주 사용 해요


보통 평범한 주말 파티에는 마칭수바, 트럼펫 이런걸 4-5명이 불구요

뭔 날이다 싶으면, 북도 사용 합니다. 큰북과 작은북 따로 치는 사람이 있구요

그집 식구 들이 전부 뭔가 하나씩 악기 연주를 해요

[[ 의견;; 아마 음식점이나 술집에서 악기 연주하는 사람들 같음]]


정말 옆집과 5피트 ? 정도 거리 밖에 않되는데 저 악기들을 몇시간씩 불어 재낍니다

과거에 선물도 여러번 하고 좋게 부탁도 여러번 했지만 전혀 조심을 않해요.

[[ 의견;; 먹고 살아야하는데 악기를 안불수가 없다]]


경찰에 수십번 전화 했지만, 연결도 너무 않되고,

직접 경찰서 가서 신고 한뒤, 2번 경찰이 왔었습니다.

1번째는 경찰이 주의만 주고 돌아 가니, 곧 바로 다시 연주 하구요.

2번째는 경찰이 와서 들여다만 보고 입구에서 누군가와 대화만 좀 하다 돌아 갔습니다.


주변에 물어 보면 전부 하는 말들이 저보고 이사 가라고 합니다


새벽 2시 까지 파티를 한적이 있어, 한인 변호사 한분께 돈 드리고 편지 작성 해서

보냈어요. 그러나 코웃음도 않칩니다. 계속 열심히 하네요.

[[ 의견 ;; 밤 10시 이후에는 조용하 해야하고 시끄러우면 불법 티켙 받아요]]


아주 돌아 버리겠습니다. 속풀이 글이지만 진짜 스트레스 많아요.

혹시 뭔가 도움 될만한 말씀 있으면 해주세요.

감사 합니다.



햐...  저도 비슷한 동네에 살았었습니다...

이사 가는 것 외에는 방법이 없어요. 

그래도 우리 동네 애들은 좀 착해서 스피커 소리 좀 줄여 달라고 하면 줄여줬는데,

웃기는 건 애 생일 파티에 어른들이 밤새 술 마시고 놀아요. ㅠㅠ


황당한건 닭을 방목해서 기르는데, 자기네들 닭 아니라고 딱 잡아 떼요. 

Animal Control에 연락해도 아무 소용 없었어요. 상추 심어 놓은면 다 먹어요. 

옆집은 수박 심었는데 다 쪼아 먹었어요.

수탁은 아침 6시 울지 않아요. 새벽 3시 부터 울어 대기 시작해요...

같은 방법으로 괴롭힐 순 있지만, 그게 안 해 보던 사람은 힘들어서 오히려 지쳐요.

도움이 못 되서 죄송합니다.



해보실거 다 해보신것 같은데, 가장 좋은방법은 사이좋게 지내는 겁니다. 

파티에 직접 참석도 하면서 친하게 지내세요.  복수는 복수의 씨앗을 남깁니다.

[[ 의견;; 친하게 지내도 악기로 먹고 살아야하니 시끄러운건 마찬가지,,]]


;; 참고 ;;


아래 영어 내용 중에 한인들에게 필요한

‘사지말아야하는 집’ 조건이 없다.


7 Types of Homes You Never Own (and How to Deal If You Do)



15 Type of House to Avoid,


Over the past 30 plus years I have learned that there are some different types of houses I shouldn’t have bought. Each of these types of houses gave me a financial seminar I didn’t really want to take but because of my inexperience at the time I made mistakes I don’t want you to have to make.

Here are some of the different types of houses you should definitely avoid until you have some experience under your belt.


1. Houses located on a Busy Street.

Houses located on a busy street will definitely be hard to rent or sell simply because very few people want to have to listen to the noise of traffic day and night and have to back out into traffic every time they want to go anywhere. Another problem with houses located on a busy street is the danger of their children going into the street and being hit by a fast moving car. Houses on busy streets are not anything I want to invest money into that will definitely be hard to sell and set on the market for weeks or even months before they sell eating up my profits in holding costs.


2. Houses with small front yards.

Houses with small front yards are like houses on busy streets they place the house too close to traffic and noise will be a problem for anyone who lives there. Another problem with houses with small front yards is there isn’t room enough to have landscaping to enhance the looks of the property. Most homebuyers want a front yard to distance themselves from the street and the traffic and have a place to landscape and a place for their children to play.


3. Houses that have steep driveways.

Houses with steep driveways will always be hard to sell or rent no matter where they are located.

Because of the grade of the driveway it will make it difficult to enter or leave especially if you live in a part of the country where you have snow and ice throughout the winter months.


4. Houses near an Industrial Park, and Airport or near a busy highway.

Houses near industrial parks, airports or a busy super-highway will always be hard to sell or rent simply because of the noise and traffic of big trucks all hours of the day and night. Very few families want to live near any of these locations.


5. Houses that have a floor-plan that is Functionally Obsolete.

Houses that have a functionally obsolete floor-plan are another problem to sell or rent because nobody want to go through a bedroom to get to the household bathroom. The floor-plan should always have access to the household bathroom from the main part of the house.


6. Houses small in size with small square footage of living space.

Any house that has small square footage of living space is harder to sell or rent than houses with larger square footage. If you buy a house with small square footage, usually either a one bedroom or a two bedroom you have limited your buyers or renters to just a few select type of buyers and renters. When you have small square footage your only buyers are a single person, a married couple, a couple with one child. If they have two children of different sex they need a three bedroom and a small house usually only has one or two bedrooms.


7. Houses with Flat Roofs.

Houses with flat roofs have two problems.

The first problem, they just don’t look good from the street. Most homeowners want their home to look as good, or better than all of their family’s homes all of their friends homes. The flat roof, just don’t have the esthetics that a pitched roof has for most buyers they just don’t look as good.

The second reason flat roofs are less desirable is they many times have more problems leaking than pitched roofs do.


8. Houses built on or near low swampy ground.

Houses built on low swampy ground are far less desirable than houses built on higher ground because of the problems standing water and soggy yards cause. Anytime you have a soggy yard or any type of standing water in your yard you can have multiple problems. First of all you will constantly be fighting mosquitoes all summer long. You will also always be having a problem with mildew and mold in your house and mowing the lawn can be a challenge when water is standing in the yard. These houses are definitely not something you will want to buy and then try to sell or rent.


9. Houses located in or near a war-zone.

Houses located near war-zones will always be hard to sell or rent to families who have small children and can qualify for a mortgage. Most families want to be located in safe neighborhoods without worry of high crime in their area.


10. Houses with Poor curb appeal.

Houses with poor curb appeal are harder to sell because of the reasons I gave you in number 7. Most homeowners want their home to look as good or better than all of their family’s homes all of their friends homes.


11. Houses located in an area with a poor school rating.

Houses located in areas that have a poor school rating will always be more difficult to rent or sell especially to families with children and the parents want their children to get a good education to help their children get into college. Poor schools usually attract lower scholastic levels of the children who attend those schools.


12. Houses that are Over-Priced no matter where they are located.

Any house no matter where it is located that is over-priced is not the type of property real estate investors want. Investors need to fine houses that have some equity where the loan balance is less than what the property is worth in its fixed-up condition.


13. Houses with small kitchens and bathrooms.

It has been my experience over the past 30+ years that houses with small kitchens and bathrooms are hard to sell or rent in today’s market. The buyers of today would rather have larger space in the kitchen to prepare meals and spend time with their families and larger bathrooms that allow more space for the family to prepare for the day.


14. Any house you would be embarrassed to own or live in.

This one needs no explanation. If you would be embarrassed to own any house you can bet it will also be hard to rent or sell to anyone. Never buy a house you would be embarrassed to own or you will eventually take a financial seminar I don’t think you want to take.


15. Suicide houses.

I believe that any house where s life will definitely be hard to sell or rent. I personally believe that if you know someone ended their life in the house you should disclose that information to anyone who will be living in the house, it’s the only right thing to do. Most people will have a problem living in a house where a suicide took place so I would never buy one and have to take a chance I can’t sell or rent the property.


It is always a good idea to listen to someone who has walked through the fire so you don’t have to.


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