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청년들은 왜 교회를 떠나는가? T363

종교 Religion/=기독교 Christianity

by 진보남북통일 2023. 4. 30. 12:30


종교 청년들은 왜 교회를 떠나는가?


청년 사역자들은 청년이 교회를 떠나는 주된 이유로는 ;  


▶ 장로들 권사들 집단이기주의 행동,

(자기편이 아니면 쫒아냄,)


▶ 돈 많은 장로들에 의해 투자회사로 변해감,


▶ 교인들의 불만 불평은 듣지 않음,


▶ 교회의 비상식적 모습들.


▶ 복음의 본질이 변질 됨,


▶ 교회에서 가르치는 말씀이 청년 삶의 고민과 동떨어짐,


▶ 돈과 권력에 너무 집착함,


▶ 신학적 통치에 너무 집착,


▶ 교회 안에서 하나님을 경험하지 못함,

오감남 명예교수님 ‘예수는 없다’ 읽어보세요.


▶ 청년에 대한 이해 부족,


Median worship; 한국어 번역 없음,


Millennials 밀레니얼 ; 1980~2000년대 출생한 세대.


Why are Millennials leaving the church?


Scholars have highlighted a series of reasons for this, such as that Millennials view the Church as too focused on power and money, too involved in politics, or that they are

too focused on their theological rules and thus have become

exclusive to certain groups of people, such as the LGBTQ+ community.

^^LGBTQ; (Abbreviation) 성 소수자[Lesbian(여성 동성애자), Gay(남성 동성애자), Bisexual(양성애자), Transgender(성전환자), Queer(성 소수자 전반) 혹은 Questioning(성 정체성에 관해 갈등하는 사람)

(Jan 23, 2017)


Why do people not go to church anymore?


Among self-identified Christians, the predominant reason that non-churchgoers offer for not attending worship services is that they practice their faith in other ways. Upwards of four-in-ten (44%) say this is a very important reason for not going to church more often. Aug 1, 2018


why US churches are on the decline?


More Americans expressing no religious preference;

The decline in church membership appears to be primarily a result of more Americans expressing no religious preference.  For the past 20 years,


in 1998–2000, the percentage of Americans who do not identify with any religion has grown from 8 percent,  

in 2008–10, to 13 percent, and

in the past three years, 21 percent.

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