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요로 진통제 Phenazopyridine, Uses, Side Effects T470

건강 health/=약 Drug medication

by 진보남북통일 2023. 9. 29. 15:46


요로 진통제  Phenazopyridine, Uses, Side Effects


Pyridium ; Generic name - Phenazopyridine,


이 약은 요로 진통제, Urinary Tract Analgesic,

베트남어 ( Thuốc giảm đau đường tiết niệu )

멕시칸어, 스페인어 ( Analgésico del tracto urinario )


Pyridium ; [상표] 피리듐: 주로 요로(尿路) 소독 방부제로 쓰는 화합물, 적색의 미세한 결정성(結晶性) 분말,


화일 첨부 ;

Phenazopyridine 한.docx



*경고 ;

극도의 주의가 필요한 이런 약이 왜 Black Box Warnings(한국어 없슴) 이 아닐까?


* Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride should be handled as a CARCINOGEN--WITH EXTREME CAUTION (발암물질-국도의 주의) *

High levels can interfere with the ability of the blood to carry Oxygen causing headache, fatigue, dizziness, and a blue color to the skin and lips [methemoglobinemia, 메트헤모글로빈 혈증(血症)].


^^청색증 [ 靑色症 , methemoglobinemia , 메트헤모글로빈 혈증(血症)]

오염된 물속에 포함된 질산염(NO3)이 혈액 속의 헤모글로빈과 결합해 산소 공급을 어렵게 해서 나타나는 질병,


Phenazopyridine (Pyridium) is a commonly used urinary tract analgesic [요로 진통제].

It has been associated with yellow skin discoloration, hemolytic anemia, methemoglobinemia, and acute renal failure, especially in patients with preexisting kidney disease.


의견 ;

2일 이상 먹어서는 안되는 발암물질 극도의 주의가 필요한 약을 왜 먹는가?

중요한 장기들 간, 콩팥이 망가지는 이 약을 먹는다고?? 


질병의 원인을 알고, 고쳐야지 이런

‘요로 진통제, Urinary Tract Analgesic’ 가 왜 필요할까?


요로자극 [irritation of the urinary tract] (즉 다시말해) ; 통증, 타는듯함, 급하게 또는 자주 소변을 봐야 한다는 느낌 [feeling of needing to urinate urgently or often] 이 있으면,,

원인을 찾아야지,,

이런 약을 처방하는 의사는 환자를 살리는게 아니라 환자들을 죽이는 의사,,


의사들은 무엇이 병의 원인인지는 절대 밝히지 않고, 알려주지도 않고,

증세에 의한 약만 처방한다.

왜냐하면, 환자들이 자연치유, spontaneous healing 을 하면

의사 병원의 수입이 급격히 감소하기 때문이다.


의사와 병원은 자연치유를 알아도,,

가족이 아니면 알려주지 않는다.


병을 고치려고 약을 많이 먹는 사람은, 병을 고치는게 아니라

부작용으로 일찍 죽는다.


하지만 의사는 환자 걱정을 안한다.

매년 환자는 계속 생겨나기 때문에,,,


Uses ;

This medication is used to relieve symptoms caused by irritation of the urinary tract [요로(尿路) 자극] such as pain, burning, and the feeling of needing to urinate urgently or often[급하게 또는 자주 소변을 봐야 한다는 느낌]. This drug does not treat the cause of the urinary irritation, but it can help relieve the symptoms while other treatments take effect. Phenazopyridine is a dye that works as a painkiller to soothe the lining of the urinary tract.


Why can't you use phenazopyridine for more than 2 days?

The medication is available over the counter (OTC) at lower strengths, and by prescription at higher strengths.

You shouldn't take it for more than 2 days to treat symptoms of a UTI [Urinary Tract Infection, 요로 감염증] without speaking to your healthcare provider since it can hide a worsening infection.


카나다에서는 더 이상 사용을 안하고,

미국 FDA 에서는 승인이 나지 않았으면

의사는 어케 처방을 하는가?

Pyridium is no longer available in Canada.

phenazopyridine is NOT approved by FDA,

Phenazopyridine hydrochloride is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals (IARC 1980, 1982, 1987, NCI 1978).


Side Effects ;


* Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride may damage the liver and kidneys. If symptoms develop or overexposure is suspected, the following are recommended: *Blood methemoglobin level [혈액(의) 갈색 헤모글로빈 산화물 수치,]* Liver and kidney function tests,

^^methemoglobin; 메트헤모글로빈: 갈색의 헤모글로빈 산화물, 어떤 종류의 약을 사용하면 혈액 속에 나타난다.


What not to do when taking phenazopyridine?

Do not wear contact lenses while using this medication.

Urine and tears will return to normal color after the medication is stopped.

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant before using this medication. It is unknown if this drug passes into breast milk.


Who should not take phenazopyridine?

tell your doctor if you have or have ever had kidney disease or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency (an inherited blood disease).

tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding.

Feb 15, 2018,


What happens if you take phenazopyridine without food?

The patient should be advised to take phenazopyridine with or following food or after eating a snack to reduce stomach upset. The patients should be aware that phenazopyridine causes a reddish orange discoloration of the urine and feces, and may stain clothing.


What happens to your urine when you take phenazopyridine?

Phenazopyridine causes the urine to turn reddish orange.

This is to be expected while you are using it. This effect is harmless and will go away after you stop taking the medicine. Also, the medicine may stain clothing. Feb 1, 2023.


Does phenazopyridine cause constipation?

Take each dose with a full glass of water, and drink plenty of fluids while taking this drug.

Inform your doctor if your condition persists or worsens.

SIDE EFFECTS: Stomach upset, headache, dry mouth, dry skin, drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, decreased sweating, diarrhea, or constipation may occur.


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