LED mask side effects; light therapy mask side effects
What are the negative effects of phototherapy?
Phototherapy is a valuable therapeutic tool in Dermatology, but there may be drawbacks.
Acute and long-term adverse effects, of variable severity, include skin erythema[홍진(紅疹), 홍반(紅斑)], xerosis[(피부·안구 등의) 건조(증), 노인성 건조증], pruritus[소양증, 가려움증], blistering(물집이 생기는), altered pigmentation(색소의 변화), photoaging[광(光)피부 노화 (장시간 일광에 노출되어 일어나는)] and photocarcinogenesis[빛에의한 광발암 발생].
What are the disadvantages of LED face masks?
The truth is, LED light masks use high-intensity LED bulbs that are a little too bright for the eyes. If you're not wearing proper protection (such as goggles) or if you're exposed to it for a long period of time, chances are bright light can damage your vision.
Jan 10, 2023
What are the risks of light therapy?
To this end, some potential risks of light therapy include premature aging of the skin and an increased possibility for skin cancer development later in life. Eye strain and temporary headaches caused by the light are also often reported, although these symptoms do not seem to indicate any permanent injury.