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미국에서 가장 행복한 도시는 나의 행복이 아니다. T666

사회 Society

by 진보남북통일 2024. 3. 1. 16:58


미국에서 가장 행복한 도시는 나의 행복이 아니다.


의견 ;

아래 영어 내용을 보면 공통점은

부동산 값이 높고, 수입이 높고, 가난한 사람들이 적고,

범죄율이 낮고,,, 그러나 교육시설은 행복하고 관계가 없는가보다.


만일 나 또는 여러분이 아래 city 로 이사를 가면 저절로 행복해지는가?


미 정부의 통계는 미국 사람들을 기준으로 만든 것이다.


나 또는 여러분의 행복 조건과는 관계가 없다.


만일 아래 행복한 도시로 이사를 갔더니,

타 민족으로부터 차별대우를 받아서 투쟁하고,

수입보다 지출이 많아서 모든 지출을 줄여야하고,

대화 할 친구도 없고, 같은 민족도 없고,

한국 마켙, 한국 식당도 없다면 행복한 도시는 아니다.


어떤 한인은 미국화 됬다며, 좋은 발효음식 김치도 안먹고

한국어 못하고, 몸에 좋지도 않은 햄버거만 먹고 사니까

행복의 도시로 가면 행복해질까?

한인이 미국화 됬다고 백인이 될수는 없다.


행복의 조건은 민족, 개인, 나이, 주위 환경에 따라 다르다.


한인이 행복 하려면,

한인 친구들이 있어야하고

한국 마켙, 식당이 있어야하고,

연장자들을 위해서는 병원이나 의사가 가까워야한다.


어느 딸이 좋은 도시로 이사를 가자고해서

어머니는 집을 팔고 딸과 함께 다른 도시로 갔는데

한국 마켙도 없고 , 친구도 없고,

병원도 멀고, 여러가지가 불편해서 후회를 했다고한다.


개인 행복의 조건은

정부에서 상류층 기준으로 만든 행복 통계 조건하고 관계가 없다.


산프란시스코는 내리막길 오르막길 경사가 심하고

물가 비싸고, 부동산 비싸고, 행복 할수 있는 조건이 아니다.


돈이 중요하지만 돈과 행복은 반드시 비례하지 않는다.


정상적인 우리는 이혼율이 높으나, 장애인들은 이혼율이 낮다.


전두환, 기타 부패한 정치인들과 일부 두 얼굴의 성직자들 - 악한 방법으로 돈을 벌어서 부자가 되는건,  다른 사람의 행복을 뺐어가는것이다.


여러분이 생각하는 행복 도시는 어떤 것 인가요?


Happiest cities in the America






Where Americans Are Happiest - 2022 Study - SmartAsset | SmartAsset

Research shows that in some cases, money does lead to happiness. In fact, a 2021 University of Pennsylvania study found a correlation between happiness and income growth, even past an annual income of $80,000. This is in contrast to previous research that



1. Sunnyvale, CA,

Well-being and quality of life is where Sunnyvale, California ranks best.

The city has the highest percentage of individuals earning $100,000 or more (62.5%),

the third-lowest percentage of adults living below the poverty-level (roughly 5%) and

the fifth-highest marriage rate (56.8%).

Violent crime in the area is also low (No. 9) with roughly 149 violent crimes per 100,000 residents.


2. Arlington, VA,

While Arlington, Virginia ranks in the top seven across all three categories measured (personal finances, well-being and quality of life),

the city ranks highest in the former. Specifically, roughly 48% of Arlington’s residents earn $100,000 or more (No. 5). Additionally,

living costs make up less than 35% of the median household income (No. 6).

The county in which Arlington is located also has the lowest amount of personal bankruptcy filings.


3. Bellevue, WA,

Bellevue, Washington scores highest in the quality of life category but also does well for resident personal finances. Specifically,

roughly 61% of Bellevue's residents earn $100,000 or more (No. 2) and

less than 8% of the population lives below the poverty line (No. 8). Additionally,

cost of living as a percent of income is the lowest across the study (28.69%).


4. Fremont, CA,

Fremont, California ranks No. 3 for both its high percentage of individuals earning $100,000 or more (55.4%) and

its low living costs relative to income (32.17%).

The city also ranks No. 2 for both the percentage of adults who live below the poverty-level (4.9%) and its marriage rate (61.6%).


5. Frisco, TX,

Frisco, Texas takes both the No. 1 spots for the marriage rate (62.6%) and

the percentage of residents living below the poverty-level (2.5%). Additionally,

the city ranks No. 2 for its typical living costs compared to the median household income (29.55%) and

its violent crime rate (roughly 86 crimes per 100,000 residents).


6. Plano, TX,

Plano, Texas ranks the top 20 across six metrics, most notably:

the city has the fourth-highest marriage rate (56.9%) and

the 10th-lowest violent crime rate (roughly 155 for every 100,000 residents). Just over a third of the Plano population earns $100,000 or more and

typical cost of living expenses make up 40.43% of the median household income in the city.


7. Roseville, CA,

Living costs in Roseville, California are the fifth-lowest across the study making up about a third of the median household income annually.

Just over 38% of the city’s population earn $100,000 or more (13th-highest) and

less than 6% live below the poverty-level (fourth-lowest).

The county in which Roseville is located also has the 15th-lowest number of personal bankruptcy filings study-wide.


8. San Jose, CA,

Roughly 43% of San Jose, California residents earn $100,000 or more (10th-highest) and

less than 7.4% live in poverty (eighth-lowest). Additionally,

Santa Clara County - where San Jose is located - takes the No. 2 spot for both the percentage of residents reporting poor mental health days (10%) and life expectancy (84.7 years).


9. Santa Clarita, CA,

Santa Clarita, California ranks best in the quality of life category, taking the No. 8 spot. Specifically,

less than 7% of the city’s population live in poverty (sixth-lowest) and

roughly 53% of residents are married (10th-highest).

The area is also pretty safe, with the seventh-lowest violent crime rate study-wide (roughly 131 crimes per 100,000 residents).


10. Irvine, CA,

Irvine, California ranks in the top 10 for both the percentage of individuals earning $100,000 or more (nearly 46%) and

living costs as a percent of income (roughly 38%).

Irvine also has the No. 1 lowest violent crime rate study-wide (51 crimes for every 100,000 residents). Additionally,

the county in which Irvine is located is also No. 10 for both the percentage of residents reporting poor mental health days (11.3) and life expectancy (82.8 years).


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