'백만장자 엑소더스' 한국이 세계 4번째로 많다
'백만장자 엑소더스' 한국이 세계 4번째로 많다, 상속세 없는 美·호주·캐나다로 올해에만 1200명이 이민 선택 中, 시진핑 탄압에 1.5만명 떠나
Why did the population of Sparta decline so much during its 'golden age'?
Answer (1 of 2): If by ‘population of Sparta’ you mean full citizens (i.e. homoioi), then the following factors have been highlighted by ancient and / or modern scholars (though the significance of the different causes is disputed to some extent): 1. O
What Caused the Decline of Sparta - DailyHistory.org
Sparta is one of the most famous states in the Classical era. It is often regarded as the epitome of the military-state that is devoted to war. Sparta's history has fascinated intellectuals from Plato until today and inspired great leaders such as Frederic
원불교, 104년 만에 여성 교무 결혼 허용 - BBC News 코리아
원불교가 개교 104년 만에 여성 교역자의 결혼을 금지하는 '독신서약'을 공식 폐지했다.
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