To effectively extract fat from milk at home, the optimal temperature is around refrigeration temperature (around 4°C or 40°F), as this allows the cream to naturally rise to the top and separate from the skim milk most easily;
you can simply leave the milk in the fridge for 24 hours to achieve this separation.
Key points about separating milk fat at home:
- Cold temperature is best:
While you can technically separate cream at room temperature, keeping the milk cold allows for the best separation of cream from the skim milk.
- No need to boil:
Boiling milk is not necessary to extract fat at home and can even alter the milk's properties.
To separate cream at home, simply pour the milk into a container and leave it in the refrigerator for a long period, allowing the cream to rise to the top.
저지방 우유, 무지방 우유가 해로운 이유,
우유에서 지방을 제거하기위해서 몸에 해로운 물질들이 들어간다.
나중에 제거하지만 완전 제거가 안된다.
식물성 기름을 빼는데는 차게 압축으로 짜는게 가장 좋고 cold process,
더 많이 짜려고 뜨겁게 해서 짠다. Hot process,
그런데 가장 많이 짜려고 원유에서 만들어진 발암물질 원인인 hexane 으로 추출한다.
나중에 제거하지만, 완전제거가 안된다.
그래서 식물성 기름이라도 튀긴음식은 안먹는다.
짜장면에 지방이 많다. 나이들면 우동을 추천,
^^주의 ;
몸에 이로운 핵산 [뉴클릭 에시드 nucleic acid] 과
발암 물질 헥산 hexane 은 다름,
# 집에서 저지방 우유, 무지방 우유 만들기,
집에서 정상 우유를 사다가 지방을 제거하는게 가장 좋다.
입구가 넓은 통에다 우유를 담아서
냉장고에 1-2일 놓아두면 지방은 위로 올라온다.
그럼 제거한다. 저지방 우유가된다.
같은 방법으로 2-3번 더 하면 거의 무지방 우유가 된다.
다른 방법은
데워서,, 차게 놓아두면 지방은 위로 올라온다.
위의 지방을 걸러낸다.
50살이 넘으면 버터 치즈는 먹지말라,
남아도는 지방은 나중에 서서히 혈전으로 바뀐다.
영어 ;
우유에서 지방을 분리시키는데 사용되는 물질들;
What materials are used to separate fat from milk?
A variety of materials are used to extract fat from milk, including:
- Solvents ; Ethyl ether, petroleum ether, n-pentane, hexane, dichloromethane, and methanol are commonly used to extract fat from milk.
- Centrifuges, 원심분리기 ; Centrifuges are used to separate the heavier fat particles from the lighter water in milk.
- Ammonium hydroxide 수산화암모늄 ; Ammonium hydroxide is used to solubilize reconstituted dairy powder before extracting the milkfat.
Some methods for extracting fat from milk include:
- Röse-Gottlieb methods, 뢰제-고틀리브법 : A standard method that uses a mixture of diethyl ether and n-pentane.
- Hara and Radin methods : A method that uses a mixture of hexane and isopropanol(이소프로판올)
몸에 해로운 hexane and isopropanol (헥산, 이소프로판올)
주의 ; 몸에 이로운 핵산 [뉴클릭 에시드 nucleic acid] 과 다름,
^^Hexane and isopropanol are harmful to humans,
Yes, both hexane and isopropanol can be harmful to humans, particularly when exposed to high concentrations, as they can irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory system, and in severe cases, can cause damage to the nervous system through inhalation exposure; hexane is especially known for its potential to cause peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage in the extremities) with prolonged exposure.
Key points about their potential harm:
- Main concern: Can cause nerve damage, leading to numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hands and feet, particularly with repeated exposure through inhalation.
Exposure routes: Primarily through inhalation, but can also be absorbed through the skin.
Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol):
Important considerations:
- Proper handling:
Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment when handling hexane or isopropanol, including gloves, goggles, and respiratory protection when necessary.
- Ventilation:
Ensure good ventilation when using products containing these chemicals to minimize inhalation exposure.
- Read safety data sheets:
Always consult the safety data sheet for specific information on handling and potential hazards associated with each chemical.
The "Hara and Radin method" refers to a specific lipid extraction technique used in research, particularly for extracting lipids from microalgae, where a mixture of hexane and isopropanol (typically in a 3:2 ratio) is used to homogenize and extract the lipids from the sample; it is named after the researchers who developed it, Hara and Radin.
Key points about the Hara and Radin method:
Solvent mixture:
The primary feature of this method is the use of a hexane: isopropanol mixture, which effectively dissolves a wide range of lipids.
Application in microalgae research :
This method is often used in studies analyzing lipids from microalgae, a potential source of biofuel.
Procedure :
Typically, a sample of microalgae biomass is mixed with the hexane:isopropanol solution, homogenized, and then the lipid-containing phase is separated for further analysis
- Liquid-liquid extraction : A method that uses ammonium hydroxide and ethyl alcohol to solubilize the powder, followed by ethyl ether and petroleum ether as extraction solvents
- Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) : A method that uses solvent mixtures to extract fat from milk products,
The standard milk fat extraction methods, such as the Röse-Gottlieb (ISO, 2001), using a mixture of diethyl ether and n-pentane, as well as the method based on extraction with a mixture of hexane:isopropanol proposed by Hara and Radin (1978), give satisfactory results for neutral lipid extraction but they present ...
What is used to remove fat from milking equipment?
*The alkaline detergent breaks up any remaining milk fat into tiny droplets, suspending the fat in the detergent wash water. *The chlorine increases the solubility of any remaining protein and helps to remove it with the detergent wash during the wash cycle.
Is alkaline detergent harmful in humans?
What is the stripping method of milking?
Milking is done either by stripping or by full hand method. Stripping is done by firmly holding the teat between the thumb and fore finger and drawing it down the length of the teat and at the same time pressing it to cause the milk to flow down in a stream.
우유의 지방을 추정하는 데 사용되는 방법은 무엇입니까?
Which method is used for estimation of fat in milk?
The Gerber method;
The Gerber method consists of separating and measuring the fat contained in milk or its derivatives. It was developed in 1892 and is still used for its speed and accuracy.
The fat percentage scale of the products to which this method is applied is between 0 and 16% fat.