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why do we eat salty food when we get older, T444

먹거리 음식 FOOD

by 진보남북통일 2023. 9. 9. 15:29


why do we eat salty food when we get older,

Why the elderly craves more salty foods as advancing age,


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Salt, also known as sodium chloride, is needed for normal functions of the body, but most people consume too much. Many seniors reach for the salt shaker at every meal.

This could be a lifelong habit that began in youth, but seniors are likely to add increasingly more salt to their foods due to loss of taste.


What happens if you eat too much salt?

짜게 먹으면 고혈압, 심장병, 뇌졸증[중풍]을 유발할수있고

또한 칼슘 손실을 일으킬 수 있으며, 그 중 일부는 뼈에서 빠져 나올 수 있다.

But too much sodium in the diet can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

It can also cause calcium losses, some of which may be pulled from bone.

Most Americans consume at least 1.5 teaspoons of salt per day, or about 3400 mg of sodium, which contains far more than our bodies need.


소금을 담당하는 호르몬은 무엇인가?

Which hormone is responsible for salt?

Aldosterone (ALD) is a hormone that helps regulate your blood pressure by managing the levels of sodium (salt) and potassium in your blood and impacting blood volume.

Having too much or too little aldosterone in your body can cause health issues. Sep 12, 2022


What removes salt from the body?


This is because water helps the body flush out excess sodium.

Not only is hydration important for managing sodium levels, but it is also important for overall health. When you drink plenty of water, your body can flush the excess sodium in your body.


Why do old people eat so much salt?

Salt sensitivity increase with advancing age(나이가 들수록).


그 이유 중 하나는 신장이 식이 제한에 반응하여 나트륨을 보존하거나 과잉 섭취 후 나트륨을 제거하는 능력이 떨어지기 때문이다.

One of the reasons is that the kidney is less able to either conserve sodium in response to dietary restriction or remove sodium after excess intake.

 [의견 ; 나트륨 제거 능력이 떨어지면 소금이 더 많아지는데, 그게 짜게 먹는것과 무슨 상관??]


양쪽다 노화된 쥐와 인간은 급격하게(매우 짜게) 투여된 나트륨 부하를 배설하는 능력이 둔화된다.

Both aging rats and humans have a blunted[둔화된] ability to excrete[배설(분비)하다] an acutely[급격하게, 강열히, 절실히] administered sodium load.

[ 의견; 소금 배설 능력이 둔화되면 소금이 더 많아지는데, 그게 짜게 먹는것과 무슨 상관?? ]


Do you need more salt as you age?

As you get older it is important to keep salt intake as low as possible to help ensure that your blood pressure stays within a healthy range.

Furthermore, with increasing age there is also an increased salt sensitivity meaning that salt has a greater effect on blood pressure.


소금 너무 많이 섭취하고 있다는 8가지 심각한 징후 신호들,

8 serious signs that you are consuming too much salt;

- High blood pressure.

- Water retention in the tissues.

- Urinating.

- Thirsty.

- Gain Weight.

- Sleep disturbance.

- Digestive disorders.

- Feeling "addicted" to salt.


소금에 대한 갈망은 어떤 결핍을 의미하나?

What deficiency does craving salt mean?

Craving salt is not a sign of iron deficiency, and most often is not a sign of deficiency at all. Although rare, it occasionally symbolises a deficiency in chloride(염화물), an important mineral most often known referred to as electrolytes(전해질들),


What vitamin deficiency causes you to crave salt?

You Could Be Calcium Deficient,

Research has shown that salt cravings are often due to a calcium deficiency.

This is because when you eat something salty the sodium temporarily increases calcium in the blood, which tricks your body into thinking the calcium deficiency is over. Sep 5, 2018

칼슘 결핍이 끝났다고 생각하도록 신체를 속인다.


What should I eat if I crave salt?

Healthy snacks to satisfy your salt craving,

Fresh vegetables: Try sliced cucumbers, bell peppers, mini tomatoes, sugar snap peas, baby carrots or sliced beets. Jun 10, 2021


어떤 호르몬 불균형이 소금 갈망을 유발하나?

What hormone imbalance causes craving salt?

This means that low production(낮은 생산) of aldosterone[알도스테론 (부신 피질 호르몬의 일종)], such as from adrenal insufficiency, can lead to low blood pressure, a rapid pulse, and low energy.

Since aldosterone deficiency causes low blood sodium (along with high levels of potassium), your body sends out cravings to tell you it needs more salt. Nov 15, 2018


What should I eat if I crave sugar or salt?

Crave something sweet or salty?

Choose foods with nutritional value: whole grain crackers, nuts, fresh fruit, plain yogurt topped with fruit, dark chocolate that's over 70 percent cacao.

And be prepared: Stash healthy snacks in your purse, desk or messenger bag.


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