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ENG, 근육증강제 근육확장제 생식기능 부작용, 3P, T570

건강 health/=약 Drug medication

by 진보남북통일 2023. 11. 20. 15:59


ENG, 근육증강제  근육확장제  생식기능 부작용, 3P,


화일 첨부 ; 



Anabolic Steroid ; 근육증강제,  근육확장제,

Testosterone; 테스토스테론(고환에서 추출되는 남성 호르몬) (→oestrogen, progesterone)


Anabolic Steroid Reproductive organs Side Effects in human


In males, steroids can lead to impotence(무력감), reduced sperm production in the testicles, and even smaller testicle size(고환 축소).

Females who use steroids may have problems with their menstrual cycles because steroids can disrupt the maturation and release of eggs from the ovaries.

This can cause long-term problems with fertility.


How do steroids affect reproduction?

Increasing Testosterone[테스토스테론 (고환에서 추출되는 남성 호르몬)] Levels can Lower Sperm Count,

As a result, the brain decreases its signaling to the testicles.

Steroid use can actually lead to low (or absent) sperm(정자 부재) counts and shrunken testicles.




Anabolic Steroids: Uses, Side Effects, and Alternatives

Learn what anabolic steroids are, what they're used for (both legally and illegally), and how to find safe alternatives that'll give you the same results.



용도, 부작용만 복사 함,


Uses ; What are 근육 증강제 anabolic steroids used for?


They’re used for a variety of both health and athletic purposes, including:


- gaining body mass from more protein production in the body (about 4.5 to 11 pounds)

- lowering your overall body fat percentage

- gaining muscle strength and endurance

- increasing how dense your bones are

- increased red blood cell production

- improve performance in strength-related sports, such as weightlifting

- “stacking” steroids with other substances, such as growth hormones and insulin, for increased muscle mass

- maintaining muscle mass when you have a condition like liver disease or cancer that causes your muscles to waste away


What are the Side Effects of anabolic steroids?


In small doses for short amounts of time, when their use is monitored by a doctor, anabolic steroids have lower risk of long-term or harmful side effects.


There’s also a ratio of androgenic to anabolic components for most steroids:

- anabolic components help grow muscle,

- androgenic components affect male sex traits like body hair or sperm production,


But using high amounts of steroids, even for a short time, or using them for a long period can lead to numerous side effects, including:

- raising your risk of heart disease and heart attacks,

- making you act more aggressively and impulsively,

- making you feel worse about your body (body dysmorphia)

- damaging your liver,

- causing fat tissue to grow in your breasts (called gynecomastia) because of a loss of hormone balance, especially if you stop taking steroids,

- reducing how much testosterone your body makes naturally (hypogonadism), as your body gets used to the extra dose from steroids and stops producing as much,

- reducing your chance of having children because of lower sperm production,

- causing (남성 탈모)male-pattern baldness or making it start earlier in life,


Side effects for women;;

Steroid use can have specific side effects in the female body in addition to the others listed above, including :

- deeper voice,

- changes in face shape,

- facial hair growth,

- 음핵이 정상보다 커진다. clitoris growing larger than normal,

- period becoming irregular,

- shrinking breasts,

- infertility,


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