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통증약 진통제 종류 분류 List of pain medication, pain drugs, 864

건강 health/=약 Drug medication

by 진보남북통일 2024. 9. 1. 09:47


통증약 진통제 종류 분류

List of pain medication, pain drugs,



DRU PAIN 브러그 2P.docx


관심있는 약을 열고 부작용 side effects 보세요.


의견 ; 통증약은 대부분이 마약성이고, (그렇지 않은 약도 있으나,,)

아픈걸 진통제로 모르게한다는것은, 자동차에 불이 들어오니까 줄을 끊는것과 같다.

아프다는건 경고신호인데, 진통제로 모르게하면 나중에 통증은 더 악화된다.

치유하려면 통증의 원인을 찾아야한다.

어릴때 치과갔다가 어른들 말이 신경을 죽인다는 소리를 들었는데,

신경을 죽이면 아파도 모르고 썩어도 모른다. 신경을 죽이면 안된다.


야구계의 대부 김성근 감독은 3번 암에 걸리고, 척추 수술까지 여러번 받았는데

마취 안하고 받으면서 엄청난 통증을 참았다.

수술중에 마취에서 못 깨어나면 죽기 때문에,,


413 Painkiller Medications,

통증약은 사용하지 말아야하는데, 이 이렇게 많은 줄은 몰랐다.



List of 413 Painkiller Medications Compared

Compare risks and benefits of common medications used for Pain. Find the most popular drugs, view ratings and user reviews.




brand 12, generic 23,



List of Extended-Release and Long-Acting Opioid Products Required to

Long-Acting and Extended-Release Opioid Products Required to have an Opioid REMS




57 Medications for Chronic Pain;



List of 57 Chronic Pain Medications Compared

Compare risks and benefits of common medications used for Chronic Pain. Find the most popular drugs, view ratings and user reviews.




Rx ; 처방이 있어야 살수있는 약, prescription, 

OTC; Over The Counter, 처방없이 살수 있는 약,

CSA; Controlled Substances Act, 규제 물질 법,

Activity 는 사용 활동 대중성 도표 초록줄,


Name, Rating, Reviews, Activity, Rx,OTC, Pregnan, CSA, Alcohol,


가장 많이 사용되는 약들 일까??

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List of 124 Muscle & Body Pain Medicines Compared

Compare risks and benefits of common medications used for Muscle Pain. Find the most popular drugs, view ratings and user reviews.




(ER) Extended Release, 효력이 더 오래 지속되는약물;

an extended-release medication is usually labeled with “ER” or “XR” at the end of its name. Medications that have ER forms are designed to make them last longer in your body.


(SR) Sustained Release, 천천히 녹아서 오랜 시간 지속되는 약물; 

Sustained-release medications are usually labeled with “SR” at the end of their name. These medications prolong the medication’s release from a tablet or capsule so that you’ll get the medication’s benefits over a longer period of time. This means that you may need to take fewer doses throughout the day.


(CR) Controlled Release;

특정 기간 동안 신체의 약물 수준을 일정하게 유지하기 위해 특정 속도로 활성 성분을 방출,

a controlled-release medication is usually labeled with “CR” at the end of its name. CR medications release the active ingredient(s) at a specific rate to keep constant medication levels in your body for a specific time period. This allows for more precise control of medication levels after taking it and fewer doses needed throughout the day.


(DR) Delayed Release ; 소장등 특별한 장기에 가서 작용하도록 늦게 지연되는 약물,

Delayed-release (DR) medications are medications that are designed to release the active ingredient(s) later after taking it, which can help control where it’s released in the body (e.g., small intestines). This is usually done to prevent the medication from being broken down too early or lessen potential side effects.

Some DR medications cause the active ingredient(s) to be released in the large intestine (the colon) in order to reach the area being treated.


EC, Enteric-Coated or “safety-coated” ;

^^enteric-coated ; 장용제피(腸溶劑皮)의. 정제 또는 캡슐제가 장에 도달하기 이전에는 그의 내용이 방출이나 흡수되지 못하게 하기 위하여 겉을 싼 특수한 외피(外皮)를 일컫는 용어.

위장에서는 녹지 (분해되지) 않고 지연되도록 특별한 피막이 입혀진 약물,


Enteric-coated (EC or “safety-coated”) medications are also considered to be a DR dosage form. They have a special film coating that stops them from being broken down in the stomach. This prevents the medication from being released until it reaches the small intestine, which may help lessen certain side effects, like an upset stomach.


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