상세 컨텐츠

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허구의, 지어낸 , 가상의, Fictional vs fictitious; 차이점, T1062

언어 Language

by 진보남북통일 2025. 2. 6. 15:41


허구의, 지어낸 , 가상의, Fictional vs fictitious; 차이점,

Fictional vs fictitious; The difference,

두 단어가 뜻은 같으나  사용 용도는 다름,


Fictional 은 소설 영화 문학 등에 사용하고,

fictitious 는 사업 상호에 사용, 장사 사업을 하려면 상호 business  name 있어야하고, 카운터에

fictitious business name 등록 해야함,


업종이 다르면 같은 상호를 사용할수 있으나,,,

trademarked 상표 등록이 되었으면 다른 나라에 가더라도 같은 상호는 안됩니다.


 Can I have the same business name if different business?


Fictional vs fictitious The difference


Fictional means something is invented for a work of fiction, while

fictitious means something is made up or false, often in the context of real life:



Used to describe works of fiction, such as novels, movies, TV shows, and plays.

For example, "Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective".



Used to describe something that is made up or false, often in the context of real life. For example, "The celebrity's assistant used a fictitious name when making hotel reservations for her".


Fictitious can also mean something is created to conceal the truth.

For example, "The Smith family had to take on fictitious identities and could never reveal who they really were".


Fictional = of, relating to, or having the characteristics of fiction …


Fictitious = (1) false, counterfeit; or (2) imaginary. …

Fictive = having the capacity of imaginative creation (fictive talent). Apart from this narrow sense, fictive is a needless variant of both fictional and fictitious.

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