재산에대한 조부의 권리 grandfathered rights on property, 미국
grandfathered rights on property ; (새 규칙 발효 이전의) 기득권, 한국어가 없어서 ‘조부의 권리’ ?
grandfather clause ; ‘조부의 조항’ ? 한국어 번역 없슴,
이건 부동산 관계 없는 권리,
grandparents right ; 할아버지 할머니의 손자 손녀 방문 권리,
Ordinance ; 법령 조례,
Regulation ; 규정
legal provision ; 법규 규정, 법칙 규정,
미국에는 ‘재산에대한 조부의 권리?’ grandfathered rights on property (grandfather clause, 조부의 조항?), 라는게 있는데
부동산 중에 새법이나 새규정이 만들어져도
새로 만들어지기 이전부터 내려오던 부동산은
새 법이 적용되지 않는다.
오래 전부터 있었던 건물은 불법이라도 시에서는 허물라고 할수가 없다.
대신 안전문제를 제기하며 시비를 걸수는 있다.
예를 들어,
여행용 큰 차 RV 를 거주지역에는 주차를 할수 없다는 새 규정이 생겨도
그러나 그 이전부터 RV 를 주차해 왔었다면,,
주택에서 RV 를 치우라고 할수가 없다.
새 규정을 안따라도 된다.
이 주거 지역, 집에서는 이러 이러한 사업을 할수가 없다는 새법이 생겨도
아버지때부터 해 온 사업을 (city 에서는) 폐쇠하라고 할수가 없다.
이것이 grandfathered rights on property 이다.
Overall, Grandfathered property rights in California means that if you own a home before certain laws were put in place then you might have certain privileges or exceptions to certain regulations, in terms of usage, building, modifying etc,
What are grandfathered building codes in California?
In Real Estate Development the term Grandfathered means that an existing building does not have to comply with a current zoning or building code because it was legally built before the application of such code. Buildings can be Grandfathered by existing before a code was written.
What is an example of a grandfather clause?
For example, if the city of Chicago enacts a zoning ordinance that prohibits retails businesses in a certain area, a grandfather clause may allow retail stores already operating in the area to remain. If the business changes to something other than a retail store, the grandfather clause would end.
Are there grandfathered property rights in Washington?
As is the case with Section 9.41.300, some grandfathered property rights exist under Washington law. However, these statutory rights are relatively few and far between; and, since many property-related matters (e.g., zoning and land use matters) are handled at the local level, it is more likely for such clauses to exist on a county-by-county basis.
What is a grandfather clause in a zoning ordinance?
Grandfather clauses are commonly used in creating new zoning ordinances and city or state statutes. The grandfather clause in statute or zoning ordinances permits a business or landowner to request an exemption from restrictions on how the land is used, so long as it continues to be used as it was when the zoning ordinance was adopted.
그러나 ‘grandparents rights’ ‘할아버지 할머니의 (손자 손녀 방문) 권리’는 다르다.
손자 손녀를 방문 할수 있는 권리 이다.
what are grandparents rights in California?
In California, under Family Code section 3100, the family court may grant reasonable visitation rights to the grandparent of a minor child. The court may grant you reasonable grandparent visitation rights if either parent of a minor child is deceased