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밀크 우유 속의 해로운 성장호르몬 Growth Hormone, T455

먹거리 음식 FOOD

by 진보남북통일 2023. 9. 15. 12:26


밀크 우유 속의 해로운 성장호르몬 Growth Hormone,


영어단어 공부,

RBST, rBST [Recombinant Bovine SomatoTropin,] in milk, Dairy

RBST, rBST ; 유전자조합(합성) 소의 성장호르몬,

Recombinant ; [ (유전자 간의) 재조합형(의) ]

Bovine 보우바인 ; (전문 용어) 소의,

SomatoTropin ; 성장 호르몬,

Somatotropin is the specific name of the growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland-it’s the same thing as Rbgh, just labeled with a few different letters.


의견 ;;

칼숨을 보충한다고 우유를 많이 마시는 사람들이 있다.

밀크를 많이 마신다고 칼슘이 보충되지 않는다.


1 gallon milk 에 calcium 이 4,800 mg 이 들어있다.

성인 하루 필요한 칼슘양이 1000 mg 인데 과잉 칼슘은 건강에 해롭다.


그것보다 더 문제가 되는것은 소에 성장 호르몬을 먹인다.


밀크를 많이 마실수록, 해로운 성장호르몬을 먹게된다.


성장호르몬은 소가 빨리 자라고, 우유도 많이 나오기 때문이다.

그러나 성장호르몬은 소에도 치명적이고, 사람에게도 위험하다,


Calcium is one nutrient most Americans don't get enough of.

a gallon of milk a day delivers 4,800 mg, well surpassing the daily recommendation of 1,000 mg for most adults. Such a high daily intake of this mineral could be harmful.



* Negative Effects; bovine growth hormone,


In cows treated with rbGH, significant health problems often develop, including a 50% increase in the risk of lameness (leg and hoof problems), over a 25% increase in the frequency of udder infections (mastitis 유방염, 유선염), and serious animal reproductive problems, such as infertility, cystic ovaries 난소 낭종(卵巢囊腫), fetal loss(태아 상실) and birth defects (선천적 결손증: 언청이 따위),


Banned in other countries but Used in the U.S.

It is illegal for use in Canadian dairy cows, but is legal in the USA.


Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (Rbgh) or recombinant Bovine SomatoTropin (rBSH) refers to Bovine Growth Hormone that is made in a lab using genetic technology.


Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH), also known as Bovine SomatoTropin (BST) is the natural form of this hormone in cattle.


[ref ; IGF-1 in milk from rBGH-treated cows]


rBST [recombinant Bovine SomatoTropin] is a type of artificial growth hormone that increases milk production.

salmon that grows to market size twice as fast as normal.

Dairy cows that produce 15% more milk. Beef cows that grow 20% faster,


Uses ;; Recombinant somatotropin, rBST (previously called bovine growth hormone), is a genetically engineered hormone injected into dairy cows to increase milk production. Milk from rBST-treated cows is used in dairy products including ice cream, butter, cheese and yogurt


^^Side Effect ;;

1. Bovine Growth Hormone is a GMO ;;

Monsanto created rBGH to stimulate milk production in cows. At least that’s the nice way of saying it. Bovine growth hormone occurs naturally in cows, the same way human growth hormone occurs naturally in humans. To make it more "effective", Monsanto genetically modified BGH to create recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone, or rBGH or rBST (recombinant bovine somatotropin). This more potent GMO version of BGH is not a naturally occurring substance and does more than increase ol’ Bessie’s milk production.


2. It's Banned in the European Union and Around the World ;;

Originally approved by many countries shortly after its release,

rBGH has since been banned by the European Union, Canada, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and Israel. Most of these bans went into effect in 2000, some earlier. It didn’t take their scientists long to figure out this stuff isn’t quite right.


3. Medical Experts Have Declared it Unsafe ;;

In 2007, Dr. Samuel Epstein exposed the dangers of rBGH in his book What’s in your Milk?. This book reveals the science, politics, and corporate greed behind the creation and approval of rBGH. Since then, many milk producers have decided to sell only rBGH-free milk; and Monsanto sold its rBGH business unit to Eli Lilly. [6] But don’t be fooled, it’s still out there and likely to remain out there and in the food supply until a full ban is established.


4. Human danger: Contains, Insulin Like Growth Factor (IGF-1)

Milk from cows treated with rBGH contains higher levels of IGF-1. The American Cancer Society reports early studies linked IGF-1 as a contributor to tumor development, specifically breast, prostate and colorectal cancers. [7] While research has not clarified the connection, continuing efforts support these studies.


5. Links to Various Types of Cancer

Insulin like growth factor has a multitude of concerns. A recently published scientific review focused on the relation of IGF-1 (and IGF-2) to breast cancer tumor formation. These insulin growth factors are known to stimulate cell differentiation. It appears IGFs have a unique interaction with estrogen which may contribute to tumor development in women. [8]


 2013 study evaluated the relation of IFG and prostate cancer. Little if any IGF was observed in healthy prostate tissue. Advanced tumors demonstrated a high presence of IGF-1, while smaller localized prostate cancer tumors showed a lesser density of IGF-1. Ultimately the study concluded higher concentrations of IGF-1 do have a correlation to the presence of prostate cancer.

Like prostate cancer, advanced colorectal cancers have shown a direct relationship with higher levels of IGF-1. One particular study demonstrated higher levels in men, patients over 60 and those with cancers stemming from damage to the mucus layer of the colon. The researchers determined IGF-1 levels can indicate and help identify the presence of colorectal cancers.


6. Linked to Lung Cancer ;

Although not one of the original cancers linked to insulin like growth factor, recent research from China has found that IGF-1 plays a significant role in non-small cell lung cancer.

Lung cancer patients in this study had much higher blood serum levels of IGF-1 than the control group. While this study is relatively new, it does suggest IGF-1 may play a larger role in cancers than previously thought. It also raises additional concerns and questions about the role of increased consumption of IGF as a result of genetically modified cows.


7. Diabetes as a Result of BGH ;

FDA and Monsanto scientists determined the rBGH used on cows wouldn’t transfer or affect humans, especially through milk. They also stated that bovine growth hormone wouldn’t affect humans even if ingested. A case documented in 2011 suggests otherwise.


A 33 year-old man found himself in the ER reporting a range of symptoms including nausea, headaches, blurry vision, and more. In the course of the examination, the patient admitted taking anabolic steroids - which included bovine growth hormone. (Apparently bodybuilders know something more about the effect of bovine growth hormone on humans than government and corporate researchers!) As a result of the use, he began a new life with diabetes.

While this is a very unique case, it does show that bovine growth hormone, whether introduced via milk (which we’ve been told it won’t be) or through other means can have serious effects on human health.


8. Other Side Effects: Milk Contamination, Mastitis, and Antibiotics

Cows given rBGH are more likely to develop mastitis[유방염, 유선염], an inflammation and infection of mammary tissue. Early studies found this led to bacteria and potential pus in milk. While laws prohibit distribution of contaminated milk, the simple fact is that milk from cows treated with rBGH are more likely to suffer contamination than others. This concern was one of the reasons the European Union and other countries banned it. [4]


rBGH also causes a wide range of health concerns for cows, requiring the use of antibiotics. Fortunately, most producers label their milk, so it is easy to find non-rBGH/rBST milk.

----- RBST, rBST in milk ----


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