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할로윈 늙은호박 못먹는가? T112

먹거리 음식 FOOD

by 진보남북통일 2022. 11. 4. 05:05


할로윈 늙은호박 못먹는가?

Is Halloween pumpkin inedible Uneatable (못먹는가)?


영어 단어,

Inedible; 먹을 수 없는, 못 먹는,

Uneatable; 먹을 수 없는, 먹기에 알맞지 않은, (→inedible)


아래 단어들,

jack-o'-lantern; 1.도깨비불(will-o’-the-wisp), 2.호박 초롱 (Halloween에 속을 판 호박에 눈·코·입 등의 모양을 뚫고 속에 촛불을 켜 놓음)


Gourds ; 박들 =calabash,


FO 호박 할로윈 먹어도 되는가.docx


의견 ;;

결론은 먹을수 있다. 그러나 구멍을 판건 조심.

나의 관심은 재배 방법에 따라 못먹게 재배하는것들도 많다.

옥수수가 그 예이다.




GMO 는 용도에 따라서 재배 방법이 다르다. T103

GMO 는 용도에 따라서 재배 방법이 다르다. GMO ; 유전자 변형 농산물 (Genetically Modified Organism) -------------------------- Different types of GMOs;; 사람들은 GMO 농산물이면 모두 같은 걸로 알지만,, 아니다. 용



영어 내용들 참고,


Sure — as long as it is in good condition and hasn't' yet been carved.

Pumpkins typically used for jack-o'-lanterns usually are larger, with stringier pulp and more watery flesh. However, you can still eat the jack-o-lantern variety with fairly good results.


What pumpkin is inedible?

What pumpkin is not edible?

Pumpkins, as well as other varieties of squash (think winter squash), are edible.

Gourds [박들 (=calabash)], on the other hand, are not edible. While pumpkin can be used for cooking and decorating, gourds are purely decorative,



What Gourds are inedible?  What gourds are not edible?

Ornamental gourds and hybrid garden squash should not be eaten.

Some cucurbits are toxic and contain cucurbitacins, substances that are highly irritating and bitter.


Can pumpkin be poisonous?

Pumpkins, and other members of the squash family (marrows, courgettes, cucumbers, squashes etc.) can, if cross-fertilised with wild members of the family or with ornamental gourds, produce seeds which will grow into poisonous plants, giving rise to “toxic squash syndrome” if eaten,


Are all varieties of pumpkins edible?

The truth is, all pumpkins are edible. I

t's just that the bigger carving varieties have lower sugar content, thin walls and stringy, sometimes watery flesh,


How do I know if my gourd is edible?

The trick to eating gourds, if you want to do that in the first place, is eating them before they are fully "ripe." Basically, the earlier, the better. Younger gourds will be be softer, more malleable, and easier to cut into. The longer you wait, the tougher and more bitter your gourd will be. Oct 12, 2022


How can you tell if a pumpkin is edible?

While all pumpkins are edible, only a couple of the parts are eaten.

Specifically, the pulp and the seeds are the parts you eat.

The stem, skin and stringy sinews[(근육과 뼈를 잇는) 힘줄들] inside the fruit are not use in cooking or baking.


How can you tell if squash is poisonous?

Vegetables like courgette and squash that have high levels of cucurbitacins[쿠쿠르비타신 들] won't necessarily look poisonous – making them more dangerous as you only know they could be toxic after eating them and then tasting bitterness.

Symptoms of toxic squash poisoning can include: Nausea. Diarrhea

^^쿠쿠비타신 [ cucurbitacin ]

박과(Cucurbitaceae)의 식물이 생산하는 산소를 가진 네 개의 고리 트라이터페노이드. 사람에게 쓴맛이 가장 강한 화합물로 알려져 있다. 쿠쿠비타신 에이(A), 비(B), 시(C)와 모모다이코사이드 에이(momordicoside A)를 포함한다. 씨를 제외한 식물의 모든 부위에서 발견된다. 과일에서는 그 농도가 높지 않으나 계절과 재배 장소에 따라 다르다.


Can you eat Halloween gourds?

Treat gourds like you would any pumpkins or squash you want to eat. Peel the skin—the skin will often be super bitter, so you'll probably want to get rid of as much of it as possible—then scoop out the flesh inside, which is the part you want to eat


How can you tell the difference between gourds and squash?

The main difference between squash (includes pumpkins) and gourds is that squash is grown and harvested to eat while gourds are grown and cultivated for decoration purposes. The first squash is said to have been planted in Mexico about 10,000 years ago! Native Americans harvested them too.


Can you eat the orange Halloween pumpkin?

The large orange pumpkins sold for carving in the United States at Halloween are still edible,

but they are not as good as pumpkins specifically grown for eating.

This is less important if you are making pie, but is something to keep in mind when cooking pumpkins to eat directly.


Are all kinds of pumpkins edible?

The truth is, all pumpkins are edible. It's just that the bigger carving varieties have lower sugar content, thin walls and stringy, sometimes watery flesh,


What is Cinderella pumpkin?

^^ Cinderella; 신데렐라 (진가를 인정받지 못하는 사람이나 물건)

Cinderella pumpkins are a type of winter squash with a mild, sweet flavor and moist texture that makes them great for soups, sauces, purees, and curries. They can be roasted, baked and steamed, and used for ornamental purposes,

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